Wealth – No Games Needed by xchylerjfk

I’ve been on Neopets for about two months, and recently decided that earning NP from games is too much of a hassle for me. So, I’m trying to get rich on profits. It’s really worked. In the past two days I’ve made over 20,000 NP, so here are a few easy peasy steps to building a fortune.

The first thing you should do at the start of EVERY day, is to collect as many freebies as you can. It’s effortless, consumes little time, and gets you at least 5/6k and some improvements to your pet. Try these links out.

Choosing a Neopet by Doreen Ho

OK, you’re someone who hasn’t even activated your account yet. What do you do? That’s right, no – not your newbie pack. Don’t claim your newbie pack! You can read a section in Pink Poogle Toy that tells you why you shouldn’t collect your newbie pack. I’m here to tell, or you might say bore – you with Neopets. Okay, firstly, you are definitely confused at the amount of Neopets that the Neopets Game provides, and so don’t know what to choose?

Firstly, ask yourself – what character do you have? If you’re mean grizzly people, then why not a Jetsam, Grarrl, Skeith, or some other tough looking pets? If your those smiling types, how about the rest? Another one – what do you want? Intelligence? Choose a Lenny. Usefulness? How about a Grarrl? They can chew up all those junk stuff you don’t want, and feed itself too! One thing – If you think you cant afford a pet, then don’t get more than one. Next thing I want to lecture you about. If the first pet you get is a Lenny, then don’t let a Krawk take its place. Never choose rarity over love!