Have you ever wanted to join a battle in the battle dome, excited , ready to fight with your pet.. then gone to the one player fight (for example) and they won’t let you play because you pet is hungry? Or you aren’t allowed to participate in SOMETHING because your pet is hungry? Or you are just sick and tired of looking at your pet’s description and having to see the red letters “dying” under the hunger category! Then having to read at the bottom of your screen “IMPORTANT! One of your creatures is hungry! To buy food, you must visit the Neopia Central Marketplace by clicking here. The Food Shop is the one shaped like a burger” I mean aren’t we all sick of that message! We know where we can buy the food, but who wants to buy the food, and waste you Neopoints on something that will be gone in a second, and not last your pet half a day! Or what about those annoying “something has happened!” messages that pop up out of no where, with your pet begging for food! My friends, let me introduce to you something that you will not only like, but perhaps never do without again; something that is right under your noses, but you have never had a reason to explore it; this strategy is not new, but combined with something else, you will never have to buy food for your pets again, and this will make you a LOT richer too, if you do it right. Suspenseful isn’t it…”well what is it!” you are asking. What is it?? It is….the Soup Kitchen. But WAIT! Don’t go away yet, that is not the total answer. Most of us know what the soup kitchen is right? If you don’t, it is: when you don’t have many Neopoints, you can always go to the Soup Kitchen to get free food for your pets. But only really poor people (under 1,000 NP) can get handouts at the Soup Kitchen. And that is the problem. Most of us who have been on Neopets already have over 1000 Np and can’t get anything from the soup kitchen. But with MY way, you CAN. Now listen, this may be long and boring but it will work. The soup kitchen combined with the Stock market on neopets, can totally change everything! That’s right, its the Stock Market that is the key! Let me start at the beginning of explaining this: the stock market is a place where users can buy stocks. You buy stocks at a low price and sell them at a high price. What is the point of this? MAJOR NEOPOINTS. If you have no clue what the stock market is, go to the stock market help section. There you can read up on how to do everything. But on with the strategy… Start off with getting all of you neopoints out of your shop till ( if you have a shop) and getting about 6000 np from your bank. If you do not have 6000 np in your bank, this strategy will actually be a lot easier to have instant results. If you have a lot of np like over 200 000, it will be a harder start for you. But eventually it will pay off. So, lets say someone has a total of 6500np for example. that person would take it all out of the bank, shop till or where ever else. Then he/she would go to the stock market and SPEND IT! Then buy at least 200 shares or more of each 6np stock. That is very important…it is usually better to buy the 6 np stocks because that is probably the lowest it can go. The current maximum of stocks allowed to be bought in a day is 1000. So make sure you buy the limit of 1000 stocks that day ( whether it is 50 of each stock or 1000 of 1 stock! It doesn’t matter). Now, since I used the example of 6500np in total that this person has, the person would have spent about 6000np if he/she bought 100 shares of each 6 np stock to fill the 1000 np limit. But then there would be only 500 np left over. Depressing? No, not at all. If the person’s pet is hungry, the soup kitchen is now available!! “But what about all of the Neopoints” you ask. Not to worry, the neopoints have been spent on stocks, but they are not lost. The stocks bought will rise and soon, they will sell for a lot higher!! that means (depending on how many shares were bought) they could be sold for more then double the price if they went high! or even be sold for 4 times as much, which stacks up the neopoints fast!! But once the shares are sold, you do get neopoints again, which means you can’t use the soup kitchen. However, you must go buy more stocks, spend until you have less then 1000 np, and go feed your pet. Then sell the stocks for higher then you paid, and get rich, rich, rich! This may all be a bit overwhelming for some users, but take my advice. I have a friend who has used the stock market on neopets that way, bought the maximum of shares each day he bought them, fed his pet at the soup kitchen, then sold his shares from the stock market for at least 4 times higher and now, after less then two months, he has over 600 000 np! He didn’t even have to do this every day, but he just went on neopets for the stock market, and he didn’t buy much and now he is rich!! and his pet was never hungry!! He has now stopped doing all that and he has sold all his shares, and claimed his neopoints. I don’t even know how much he has NOW!! He started as poor as 350 np. Look how far this plan has gone in such little time! The stock market really works, and while you use it, go to the soup kitchen and never have your pets hungry again!! I hope you take my advice and I wish you all Good luck. Have fun on Neopets!!