10 Tips for Becoming Rich by KS

Well, you are poor on Neopets, and you really want that Lost Desert Paint brush? Here’s some tips for becoming rich!

Play flash games

When I play Meerca Chase and other games like that, I end up with at least 3,000 nps a day. Check New Features and maybe you’ll find new games.

Go to the Snowager

Check the times for the Snowager and it’s possible you’ll get nps, codestones, weapons, or anything else.

Buy, trade, and go to auctions

Buy things from shops like faeries, codestones, neggs, deluxe neopet crackers, and other things and sell em’. Head to the Trading post. Make offers there and there will be a chance someone will accept your offer, then sell them. Come on down to the Auctions. Bid on things and sell them.