Neopets Premium – Referral Prizes

A big thanks to Suzuka (togepi_forever) for keeping us updated!

1 – 1,000 Neopoints and 10 random codestones (no red codestones, just from the original 10).

2 – Lucky Space Faerie Charm. This is a trophy that will show up with all the other trophies on your userlookup. With the charm, flash games will randomly double your NP payout and (unverified) you may receive more random events in the site. If you cancel premium, you will lose this trophy. If you resubscribe on the same account, you will get it back.

3 – Paint Brush. You may choose between Snow, Electric, Disco, and

Adopting Neopets

Unfortunately, sometimes people discover that they cannot handle taking care of more than one pet. This is why so many abandoned Neopets can be found at the Neopets Adoption Center. For those with large hearts, they are given the option of adopting the abandoned neopets to feed and care for them as their own.

If you chose to adopt a pet, remember that the pet name cannot be changed. This may be an issue to some people, as note that some owners like to give neopets very random and not very nice names. However, as William Shakespeare once wrote in his much-acclaimed play Romeo and Juliet, ‘A rose by any other name would smell as sweet,’ it is not the name that matters but the heart behind the neopet.

Experienced Neopets, Villains, Heroes by Evan

Experienced Neopets

Experienced neopet are cards that you keep in your regular deck. They are sort of like upgrades to you basic neopet of the same species. They have better stats than basic neopets, and most experienced neopets have an effect. To play an experienced neopet, you need to have a certain type of basic pet in an arena. For example, to play a Kacheek Shepherd, you need to have a basic Kacheek on the field and a light neopet. The basic neopet then becomes that experienced neopet. So a Blue Kacheek would then turn into a Kacheek Shepherd when you played the experienced neopet.

Rare Item Codes by inkiemouse

What an exciting day it was for all of us when we learned Neopets was offering rare items along with some of their merchandise! I immediately wanted to be in on it, but being a poor, starving university student, I couldn’t afford anything right away. Then, finally, while at Claire’s, looking at that Babaa plushie I so dearly wanted, I saw Doglefox stickers that tickled my fancy as well. I inspected them and discovered they had a Rare Item Code enclosed. This code, it promised, would give me a rare item! I checked the price. Ouch! 5.99$! But the stickers were nice, and I wanted really wanted that Rare Item Code, so I went to the cash register and emptied my pockets. Obviously, paying $5.99 (plus taxes, I might add) would be insane, were it not for the fabled Code!