The Darkest Faerie PS1 Pre-Release: Thoughts by Mileena

In the past, I’ve thought that if correctly implemented, a Neopets game could do quite well and expand beyond the current online fan base. From what I see there, I’d have to say that this isn’t going to live up to its potential. First and foremost, I know that I’m definitely going to at least give it a rent, and I know that many people will buy it solely because it’s a Neopets product; there’s nothing wrong with that.

However, there’s just so many problems I can see from what little is said about it on E3.

A Day on Neopets by linkin_luver

As soon as I log-on to Neopets, this is what I do:

1.On school days, I wait a while then go to the Snowager at 4:30. Well, 4:30 where I am…

2.Then exactly on the hour or exactly thirty minutes after the hour, I go to Coltzans Shrine.

3.Same for Fruit Machine ^

4. I buy about 5 bottles of sand for 1 NP each then donate them, then I go play Tombola (try to go exactly on the hour or 30 mins after the hour). Even if I don’t win, he almost alwats feels sorry for me and gives me NP.

5. I play Meerca Chase (3 times)

Time Management on Neopets: Juggling Your Neopets and School (or Work) by bumpty85

Sometime last week I was clicking mindless through the repository (this is being written at the time of the Lost Desert Plot) at around 2 in the morning when I realized I had a lab report due the next day that I hadnt started on. It came to me that I was spending hours on end playing on a website that had no direct effect on my life or future. I did, however, enjoy the time I spent on the site and so wanted to continue playing there. But I needed to learn how to manage my time correctly.

Up Close and Personal With Mr. Insane by Maxximus

He’s a clear loon with a quirky sense of humour. Meet Mr. Insane, an… insane (duh!) staff member at Neopets. The programmer of popular games such as NeoQuest and NeoQuest II, Mr. Insane swears that he’s from outer space and is only living on Earth so he can implement his plan of galactic domination. Who is he really? Nobody knows, but what we do know is that he wants to create a Harry Dean Stanton neopet. To find out more, read on and discover some wickedly insane facts about Mr. Insane.

Sloth or Dark Faerie?

Sloth Clone.

Darigan or Meridell?

I’m a Kass Uni.

Number 6 or Poptart?

Interview With a Scammer

The following is an interview I had with a scammer. He/she contacted me after reading the scammed section on the site, praising PPT, but also wanting to contribute to the compilation of articles in relation to scamming. The main concern, that most of the scams presented on PPT did not know how to spell correctly. This interview however, gives us an insight into why a person may scam. What leads a person to scamming and how some people scam. Whatever you may read this for, this interview holds within itself important information on how not to get scammed.