Splat-A-Sloth Tips

Freeze the game by OM

When you click on the title bar at the top of the window on Internet Explorer 6.0, it freezes everything inside because it thinks the window is being dragged. So all you have to do is keep clicking on the title bar every second until you see the Sloth pop out (it will be frozen while you hold down the mouse). Then hit space as you remove your finger off the mouse!

Remember that you must hold your finger down for a split second in order for IE to think it’s being dragged! You can see that its working when the blinking icon in the top right corner (which says Splat-A-Sloth) stops blinking! Just go at your own pace, and eventually the sloth will come out… TO HIS DOOM!

Safety Deposit Box Tips

Safety deposit box

Have All Your Items Listed on 1 Page by Dominique

Here’s what you do to get all of your items on the same page. Let’s say you have 62 items. You would take out the last two items (which should be on their own last page). You then wait for the page to change. Then you go back to the page the last two items were on (example: Viewing items 60 through 62 of 62). After this, you click the same page at the SDB page links. This will then make all of your items on the same page. This makes it easier to remove large quantities of item at the same time.

Increase Random Events

Play web-based games by xOperaGhostx

If you want to get random events where you find free neopoints or codestones on the floor, play games like cellblock, neggsweeper, cheat or bilge dice. Basically any non-flash game where the page is refreshed numerous times. I usually find that while I’m playing those, I get a lot of random events. I wind up finding two or three codestones plus a map piece each day!

Bilge Dice Tips

Bilge Dice screen shot

Some Handy Pointers by Soliosan

  1. Most importantly, on the first roll, always try to get the 1 and the 4 necessary to win.
  2. On the first roll if you were able to get at least one of the rolls needed (1 or 4), also keep over a 6 if you have one. For example, if you have on first roll 1 3, 3, 6, 6, 6 you might be tempted to take all of the 6’s and the 1. Don’t do that or you won’t have much chance of getting the other 4 needed and it won’t matter how many 6’s you have. Take maybe at most 2 6’s and the 1. Re-roll, and hopefully you get the 4 you need.
  3. (more…)