Easy Games by subzero7854

Want to know some easy games to play? Well, I’ve got a whole list of games to play that earn neopoints in minutes! Scroll down to see some.

200m Peanut Dash

I find that in this game, if you want a good score you have to hit the bar at least in red. Once you have passed this, double-jump as many logs as you can. What I do is press the left and right keys early, and at the last second press up. The first log is usually around 50m.Score 800 points and you have 600np every time!

Extreme Herder


Meerca Chase Guide by Shoyru_Lover

Need some quick neopoints? This game is sure to provide it! Meerca chase is based after the classic snakes! Sadly, I’m terrible at this game. I average usually around 200 and even with that, I usually lose with only 8 points! Nor pretending that I’m a champion at this game or anything, but hey, here’s a couple of hints and tips for you to make game play easier!

Meerca Chase has red neggs that pop up from time to time, do not attempt to eat these. Better yet, there is a way to avoid these popping up. These reg neggs pop up based on a time factor (e.g., when you catch the yellow negg) the timing is usually 1 and a half seconds distance between each negg catch. Any faster than that and red negg will pop up. Too slow and a reg negg will pop up. If you don’t want the red neggs to pop up, catch the yellow neggs at 1.5 second intervals or multiples of that (e.g., 1.5, 3, 4.5, 6 etc etc etc)