How to Build Your Dream NeoHome by Mouse

Have you always wanted a beautiful neohome? The kind people stare at when they walk past? Well you’ve come to the right place! Here I will take you from planning the layout of your neohome to the final touches!

Layout Planning

The first step to building a successful neohome is planning it out. Take a piece of paper and divide it into 25 squares. Then mark in each square whether it will be a room or a garden. Make your layouts interesting! Don’t have all rooms, (or all gardens), and vary your boundaries.

As you can see, I have colored the garden areas green, and the rooms grey. This does not have to be final; you can change your mind through out the building process. Make sure to have enough rooms!

Attack of the Meepits and Other Neopian Obsessions by smitch2008

Meepits are probably the most feared Neopian things. Many are obsessed with their hypnotizing eyes and fluffy appearance. I am NOT obsessed with Meepits, nor do I fear them. They are just another ordinary petpet to me. They are easy to get obsessed with though, and I can see why many people are. Here are some facts about Meepits and other obsessions of many Neopians.

There are many things to get obsessed with in Neopia, and Meepits are just one of them. People can get a little overwhelmed with all the great things here. Try to stick to one topic. It gets a little overwhelming when you see a Meepit-themed shop, a Darigan-themed user lookup, or when each one of your pets has a different world-themed pet lookup. The next tip will help you narrow it down to just one.