Here’s a guide submitted by ~*I.M.a.Newbie*~ Guild it has tips on how to get the item you want on the shop wiz before it’s sold out. I’m sure you noticed the shoppe wizard lists items but with different values, like this:
Shop Owner Sally Ally magnacarta28 57angeleyes Monster_gurl2002 elora34 moonbeam1111 mystera mint_candees mafiya minxie67 moonlit_amaryllis momec markbling75 |
Item Yenegg Yenegg Yenegg Yenegg Yenegg Yenegg Yenegg Yenegg Yenegg Yenegg Yenegg Yenegg Yenegg Yenegg |
Amount in Stock 2 1 1 1 4 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 |
Price 10,000 NP 15,000 NP 100,000 NP 100,000 NP 100,000 NP 100,000 NP 100,000 NP 100,000 NP 100,000 NP 100,000 NP 100,000 NP 100,000 NP 100,000 NP 100,000 NP |
Well tons of people want to sell a yenegg at 100K! Well I wouldn’t go to Sally or ally’s Shoppe if I were you! Why? Because it’s the most likely to sell out of yeneggs first because it’s listed first and therefore is the cheapest store where everyone (except smart little you) would go to get a yenegg! So *most likely* this is what will happen.