Mop ‘n’ Bop Guide by Loupat

When moving the janitor along, keep the left mouse button pressed to keep the cleaning meter full. Develop a sense of timing so that immediately after bopping a petpet, the button gets pressed again to refill the meter.

The janitor will collect water drops as he walks along the hall. Three drops fill his bucket meter at the top of the screen. Save water for emergency use; if a bunch of critters come along at once and the cleaning meter’s low, use the water to douse them. Then swing even a partial bop if you can manage it so the rest of the dirt comes off.

Neopoints – The Price of Love by star_bloom

SOUP KITCHEN- A few days ago, I was at the bank, looking at my happy 700,000 neopoints, thinking of my high-statted robot peophin, and my paint brush gallery. This, I thought, is the life. But then it hit me. Yeah, it was the life for me, but not for my pets! I realized then that being a neopian was so unfun now that I had everything I desired, and a trophy pet I had never cared about. The game was no longer Neo-Pets for me, it was Neo-Points. This completely terrified me, so I made a resolution- I would go out and enjoy Neopets, even if it killed me.

Attack of the Marblemen Tips

Things to keep in mind
Submitted by aimee karr
First, the codes for the game to advance to higher levels are issued only to one user, and that code remains usable to only that one user. So user-shared codes won’t work for other users!

Second, when playing the game always work backwards. Starting at the box, form a mental pattern that you can follow to get the ball to go into your box, then began clicking on the wedges from the box outward.

Thirdly, enlarge the screen! You can see the wedges much more, and this really does help a lot.

Beginning neopoints
Submitted by dearkity2
Always start from the beginning of Level 1 everytime you play. That way, you can get a lot more neopoints as the levels progressively become more difficult.