Donna Williams Twin Skies Interview by Dave Moyer

With Donna Williams and Adam Powell no longer working at Neopets, we caught up with Donna to catch up on what she has been up to. Turns out she and Adam are working on a new MMORPG called Twin Skies (now on hiatus while they release Vikings, Pirates, Ninjas).

Keep reading to find out what Donna thinks about present day Neopets and find out more about her current projects.

What was the inspiration behind Twin Skies?

Adam and I were talking about what races would be cool to play, we threw around some initial ideas for settings and backgrounds and it came from there. There wasn’t a big moment of realization or anything like that. We just got more and more excited about it as time went on so we decided to develop it further. There are some REALLY cool races planned by the way!

Exclusive: Interview With Evan

Today I sat down with Evan to see what I could find out; a lot actually. Who knew that Evan is a champion wrestler … or that his mum’s name is Cande? Not me that’s for sure until today! Co-hosting with me for a while now on The Pink Poogle Toy Show, Evan gives us the complete 101 on his life as a student, tech-school junkie, sports fanatic and his upcoming audition for a play.

Spotlight on Dave

Hi Dave! Tell us a bit about yourself! How did you get your name? What makes you tick? What makes you happy? What’s the most random thing you’ve done?

I’m 14, and I talk. That’s all there is to it! My name has a deep spiritual meaning. It means, “Amazingly attractive person who will grow up to make millions and give out over 4,000 autographs a day.” Okay, not really. To be honest I’m not really sure how I got my name!

I’m easily amused. Give me internet and I’m happy. I also believe that comfy chair + TV + your own can of Pringles = happiness.

The Pink Poogle Toy Show 26: The Neopets Scams Edition

From the desks of Kym, Dave, Evan, Jonny, Demon and Siobhan come this full-rostered episode which breaks the record for longest running episode ever. Full of hilarity and fun (make sure you check out the bloopers reel afterwards), this episode talks about scams on Neopets and how to avoid them, some background history of famous Neopets hacking, the concept of petpetpets and petpets, PPT’s upcoming changes, previous episode comments, an interview with the creator of Subeta Keith Kurson, and the free preview of The Pink Poogle Toys’ new song called Trollin’.