Ice-Cream Machine Guide by angelicalex1

Sadly, I mean the game, not an ice-cream machine that you can go and get free ice-cream for your neopets whenever you like. But it is a really fun game in my opinion.

First I am going to tell you how to play it

You play a chia called Adee (which you move by moving the mouse).

The aim is to move around and avoid touching the scoops that start at the bottom of the screen and disappear when the get to the top (you could try quickly playing the game so you know what I am talking about).

You start with three lives and lose one each time you touch a scoop. On each level there is a certain amount of scoops you have to avoid to proceed to the next level (which increases by 25 each time).

Ice Cream Machine Guide by Jessica

Here are the levels in order

  • Level 1 Strawberry
  • Level 2 Vanilla
  • Level 3 Chocolate
  • Level 4 Mint
  • Level 5 Blueberry
  • Level 6 Vanilla Chocolate Chip
  • Level 7 Strawberry Chocolate Vanilla
  • Level 8 Peach
  • Level 9 Vanilla Chocolate Swirl
  • Level 10 Double Chocolate
  • Level 11 Tigersquash
  • Level 12 Rainbowberry
  • Level 13 Garlicy Bratwurst

Good scoops

  • Small purple Chia (makes you smaller)
  • Shield (stops you from getting hit for 5 sec.)
  • Red (makes level go slower)
  • Green (increases game speed, good if the game is slow)
  • Cherry on yellow (plus 100 points and turns game back to normal speed and normal size)
  • Fish head (plus 250 points and urns game back to normal speed and normal size)
  • Pink heart (extra life)

Bad scoops

Recommended Games For Easy Neopoints by xunrealityx

Everyone who has an account at Neopets wants all the neopoints they can get their hands on. The easiest way (as you’ve probably heard already) is to play games. Whether you play them because they’re really fun and/or addictive, or you play just for the neopoints, it doesn’t matter. The bottom line, there’s games for everyone, you can always find at least a few games you’re really good at or you really enjoy. It’s not hard at all especially now that they have increased the number of times you can play all the games to 5 rather than 3.

Ice Cream Machine Guide by glamqueen5

Ice Cream Machine screen shot

The Good Puffs

So you thought that all the ice cream puffs will “eat” Adee? You were wrong, friend. There are couple of puffs which are eatable (what means that Adee can eat/touch them). Each of this puffs has a special effect of it own.

Speed puffs: The green plus puff – This puff speeding up the things, and in simple words makes the puffs move faster. You will probably use it on the easy levels to make it pass faster, but you might do it on the hard levels eve though it’s not really easy as it’s sounds.

The red minus puff – When I understood what that puff was doing, I’ve said that even each minus has it own plus. This puff will slow things down, and in simple words makes the puffs move slower. You need to be careful with it though. On hard levels, the speed is not only higher, it’s also makes more puffs per shooting. So my recommendation for harder levels, take one minus puff, it is enough.