Advert Attack Guide by zelda2222

So youve been playing Advert Attack (AA) for awhile now and still dont have the avatar. Or maybe youre just starting out. At any rate whether youre quite familiar with the game already or youre just a beginner I probably have a few tips to help get you closer to the finish line and the shiny avatar youve been working so hard for.

First of all Id like to say that AA is one of those games you actually do get better at if you practice. Believe me. If I can get the avatar then so can you. Plus, one great thing to your advantage is that this game takes almost no skill whatsoever. Basically if you can click a mouse then you can play this game. In fact, most of the tips that I have compiled will most likely only help you to improve upon what your are already doing. In AA even a little improvement can drastically increase your score.

Pyramids Guide by lynixlord

I have been on Neopets for a long time (more than thirty-five months), and over this time, I have learned many things about the site. The thing I will discuss with you today is help with the game Pyramids. With any help I give you, I assume that you know the basic rules of this game.

Pyramids Help

There are two reasons why people play the game Pyramids. The first is that they want neopoints. The second reason is that they want the trophy. The way to get the trophy for Pyramids is to win twice (not consecutively). This one will take a long time to complete, but with my instructions, you will reach two games in a lot less time. With the money thing, you can make a lot of it with this game and a lot more using my instructions.

Brucey B Slots Guide by Shoyru_Lover

What better way to learn not to gamble then by playing this game? The game play, the sounds, and buzzes as you hit a rare card directly reflects a real slot machine, and even though it provides better chances of winning than a normal slot machine, this game is quick to teach you that 99.99% of gamblers lose all their money in the end. Now these types of games, my friends, is what Neopets is about. The educational value that a person can derive from such games is amazing. I for one, have learned that slot machines are evvvvvvvvil! Apart from the previous rant, I often find myself playing this game, not to gain money, but to gain the trophy! So a word of caution for anybody who does attempt to play this game, do not play it if you are looking to make a quick buck. You could spend an hour making just 1,000 neopoints overall when it could take 3 minutes to make that much in a different Neopets game.

Faerie Cloud Racers Guide by Julia Hoban

As I was checking up on the news one day, I found that Neopets had released a new game.

“Cloud racers?” I said. “Well, it’s worth a shot.”

Eventually, I found myself spending hour after hypnotic hour moving the little floud, meekins, or miamouse around the track. Now, as a professional cloud racer, I will teach you the tips and tricks of this wonderful game.

First, every racer has a different style. The battle faerie is generally pretty easy to box in. The space faerie is a little more difficult, but has basically the same movement style as the battle faerie. The fire faerie usually starts away from the wall, making it even trickier to close her off. The hardest is the dark faerie, with a complicated combination of swirls and turns. Now that we have addressed each opponent, let’s move on to how to beat them.

Making Neopoints the Easy Way by Sinnerswish

Whether you are a newbie, or a long time user, everyone wants to know the secrets to getting rich… and quickly. Before I begin, let me say that there is no magic way to earn neopoints. If a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is. Now, the first thing you want to do is go to all the freebies. Coltanzs Shrine, Fruit Machine, Tombola, and the Snowager are great ones to use. Once a month you can go to for 2,000 neopoints and free food for all your pets.

Next, play the sponsor games, because more often than not they don’t require any skill, and are fast. When they have a full load of games, I can usually make over 14,000 neopoints in a day. Another easy game is Fashion Fever, because all you have to do is start and end the game. Then, play the easy games, like Ice Cream Machine, Kiko Match II, and National Neopian, because they can get you a lot of money, even if you aren’t good at them. So, try to play as many games as possible, because, believe me, it can get you a lot.