Escape From Meridell Castle Guide by knd1994123

How to obtain the Escape From Meridell Castle Avatar

To obtain this avatar, be in the Top 50 on the Escape from Meridell Castle Hi-Score table.

This avatar is very easy and best to obtain if you play Escape From Meridell Castle at the end of the first day of the next coming month and score maybe around 1300+. The Hi-Score tables resets every month, so the scores are smaller then you think. At the end of the day gives you an idea of what should you score. And I recommend you to score around 1300+.

Before you “try” for the avatar,

Carnival of Terror Guide by dubster15

Point Values:

Cream Pies – 5 points – You have to be quick to get these. Remember; miss, and you’ll get hit instead.
Clown Arm – 4 points – Always go for these when the clowns are close to you. Don’t bother otherwise…
Umbrella – 3 points – Surprisingly hard to hit, but still, rather effective for getting your Chia down faster.
Clown Head – 2 points – These seem to get hit the most often, even when you’re not aiming. It’s like popping heads off dandelions… only a tad stickier.
Clown Legs – 1 point – Try not to aim for these. Really. If they come off, the Chia is likely to explode, taking away some more of your health. Though watching them waddle is kind of fun…

Jelly Blobs of Doom Guide by cutiegirl31991

Jelly Blobs of Doom is one of the games that came along with jelly world. You cant look it up in the gaming section so for those of you that are wondering what I am talking about you can find jelly world at The basics of the game are that you are a Chomby sliding around trying to eat as many jellies as you can without being swallowed by a jelly that is bigger than you are. If you have ever played Katamari Damacy it is the same basic idea.

The first thing you have to do is blow up the screen in which you are playing the game to as big as your computer screen will show. When you do this it is a LOT easier to see if the jelly you are aiming for is too big or just the right size.

Petpetsitter Guide by dudewheresmycat2004

Hi! If you are viewing this section, either you stumbled upon this petpage,or you are looking for some help with the game Petpet sitter. Some of you are probably wondering WHY is petpet sitter so important? Why are people ranting about it on the message boards? Its because this particular game gives you an adorable avatar when you hit a certain amount of points (you’ll beed 2,500+ points for the avatar).

My highest score so far is about 23,870 and I even got on the top 50 list for it 🙂

Anyhow, I just want to say I am AWFUL at games and I play on a very bad quality computer, and I was able to get it so dont think you will never get it. I felt the same way but being an avatar addict, I had to at least give it my best. So, I played. The first time I got 400. Pretty bad of a score. Every time I played I gradually got better and better at it. I hardly ever try for game avatars unless its easy, im bored, or the avi is adorable (like this one). Pretty soon I was making at least 700 and I became more and more determined. Having the short attention span that I have, after every game I would take a break or play other avi games or try to feed some kadoaties. Eventually I would average at 1200 points and I thought THAT was a challenge and I truly believed I was wasting my time and I would never get it. Well I kept practicing anyway, and one lucky day I got 2700 points! I was estatic about it since Im really bad at games. Again and again I was able to get over 2500 and I began to believe I got the hang of it. And I was right. So, anyhow while I tried to get the avatar, I desperately searched for a guide or tips and there was hardly any to be found. Now that I have the avatar, I decided to make a guide since it is such a hard game and there is little guides on it. Anyhow, please read on and follow every tips and every step if you feel it is neccesary.

Deckball Guide by Thang

Out of all the guides here, I would probably agree with Curtis S. Play offensively.

First of all:
Mode: Survival
Difficulty: Captain

The ball comes out at different speeds. But the idea is to break up each of those speeds into what I call as ‘rebounds’. When the ball hits a wall, that’s a rebound. Easy. Sometimes you will get a very slow ball. I call it 0.5 rebound or 0 rebound. 0.5 meaning it went half way down. These are obviously bad rebounds because the Mirgle will intercept.

Other rebounds you will get are:
1 – Bad rebound
1.5 – Very good rebound
2 – Good rebound
2.5 – Bad rebound