Deckswabber Play Guide

Deckswabber is one of those games which need a lot of problem solving skills but not only that, a little bit of luck. Personally, I do not think this game is any that hard, although the later levels can become quite hard but once you discover a pattern, stick to it and you should find yourself racking in those points.

So what do I mean patterns? This is what I mean. Always try to complete each stage by only touch a square once. This is done because once you do this, you will be able to pass the later stages of the game with ease (the later stages of the game requires you to jump on certain squares a certain number of times).

Flycatcher Guide by Kittypaws

In this game you play a cute, pink, pond Quiggle who really just wants to eat as though hes at a buffet. Theres plenty to chose from; lilies, three different types of flies, and bees. So, youre hungry, theres various things to eat, and youre abilities are few but there are some ways to get the best out of them.

Depending on what you chose to eat, the points you receive range from 1 to 20. Lilies are worth 1, the flies are 2, 5, or 10 depending on their size, and of course, there are the mean bees that are worth 20 points! These are the food you want to eat the most of.

Coconut Shy Guide by alivyre

Coconut shy is really based on luck, but there are a few things you can do to increase the chances of hitting a coconut off or almost off.


To aim perfectly almost every time just aim slightly to the right (your right) of the coconut you are going for. Do not aim to much to the side. You should barely be able to notice that you are out of the center, if you miss to the right side then move it over to the left slightly less than you moved it over the first time.

Which coconut?

I have discovered that every time I aim at the small dark brown coconut I nearly hit it off and that is the only coconut I have successfully hit off completely. On the odd occasion that the dark brown coconut does not appear you are better off aiming at the yellowish coconut. Do not aim for the tall light brown coconut for I have never come close to hitting it off. If you want to try to prove me wrong its your choice I don’t mind. Just neomail me about the problem if I am wrong.

Chute Guide by Randydude1687

First of all, you should try to get at least three kacheek bonuses, (By destroying 4 lines at once, you will recieve a kacheek bonus ) just in case you get in BIG trouble of course. Now, keep trying to line up four lines in a row, if the blocks won’t fit, or you just mess up, lay them somewhere, making a hole. You won’t regret messing up and leaving all of those holes in your field, because once you use a bonus, it may give you 110- 500+ points and refund you of a bonus.

Second of all, if you have shapes that don’t fit, fit them as best as you can and try to match up lines. The key of the game is to match up lines and get points, the bonuses make it much easier on you when your screen is almost full. If you have only about 3-5 lines of space left, and you have a large gap reaching down and across the playing field, land sylvester kacheek right above the gap and it should completely fill all the gaps ( If not all gaps, maybe most of them ) and you should receive a lot of points.

Berry Bash Guide by Rbncannon

You want to get 1,000 NP or more every time you play Berry Bash? Well, with a little reading and some practice, you’ll be making more than that in no time!

Here’s how I start my game: When the first Aisha comes, seat her. Take her order, and pick the berry. By the time she is eating, two more Aishas should be waiting. Seat them. You can take a maximum of two orders at a time, so take their orders. By the time their berries grow, the first Aisha should be done, so clean her up before you feed the others.

Basically, you just repeat this, but here’s how I avoid being overrun.