Cellblock Guide by ZeroMoonArmy

Score based on factors of how often it works as it is set up, how easy to perform the actions needed, how many moves it takes.

Method 1

Velvet Moon has found a really successful method. Great Job Velvet Moon.

Score: 4.5 out of 5.

Method 2

Score: 4 out of 5.

Method 3

Goodjolly has another method that is quite successful but it is also the longest version. Good Job Goodjolly.

Score: 3 out of 5.

Method 4

Credendo Vides, Kiquin has the final method. It works most of the time but it does need a lot of extra adjustment since you don’t have 3 in a row till right before the win. I still think this is one of the better methods due to the way it works it can be adjusted for a win at almost any time. Great Job Credendo Vides.

Extreme Herder Guide by princess_night52

So you want to play the game? Well there are a few tips that might save the lives of all your petpets and yourself. Firstly, heres a hint: When heading for the petpet nearest to Balthazar, and you accidentally pick the wrong one, drop it immediately and attend to the one you think is going to be eaten first. In this game, you earn more neopoints than your score, so its worth it playing this game!

Level One – Level Eight

Balthazar is creeping up slowly downwards from his top right hand corner position, towards the petpet in the group which is near the bottom right hand corner, or the top left hand corner. Act fast, and save the petpets nearer to him first. Be sure though that you dont get eaten by Balthazar, or you too will lose one life. In these levels the enclosure has four doors. When the level goes higher, the numbers of petpets increase too.

Potato Counter Guide by Shoyru_Lover

Before I start, I would like to ask, what the heck are you doing reading this? Surely you can play the game without a game guide! All it requires is counting the potatoes, entering your number and then clicking go! But then again, I guess some people like reading guides for the heck of it, so why not!

Potato Counter would be your most addictive game on Neopets ever (questionable)! Easy as it is, its simplicity will keep you spellbound for seconds, even minutes! The game requires a constant watch, quick fingers and most of all, good numerical skills.

After you have walked up to the potato counting booth, paid the money, and anxiously await the unveiling so you can begin, you nervously twitch waiting for the moment so you can get the head start on others. You hold your breath as the piece of cloth is pulled over to reveal once concealed potatoes. The moment begins, now!

Cheat! Guide by buz

There are several strategies that you can use in order to win this game. I use these every time I play, and so far I have NEVER lost. Following these simple rules almost guarantees that you will get that 1st place trophy.

1) This is the most important — NEVER cheat, unless you have to. In the first 2 rounds or so you may not get caught, but in the later rounds, you will get caught most of the time.

2) Put down the cards that you only have one of first. This leaves you with more pairs, triples, and so on, which makes it easier to tell who is cheating.