Petpet Rescue Guide by sharon_sgc

This game is very similar to Frogger except you are in a mine shaft and you have to save petpets by running over wagons avoiding boulders and avoiding falling rocks. You can only carry one petpet at a time and you have a timer.

LEVEL 1 (req. 4): You have more than enough time to get four petpets and all the jewels. Your worst enemy this level is getting antsy and trying to force your way across the lava when the floaters just aren’t there. Take your time and only move forward when the next floater is absolutely in front of you. Don’t use your diagonal this level at all. Remember that when you get your fourth petpet back to the entrance, you move on to the next level automatically, so make sure you get all the jewels first!

NeoWardrobe Guide by Rika

Well, on a whim, I wanted to write you a guide to thank you for all the little tips and guides you’ve got on there, they’ve already helped me and I’ve only been a visitor for about a week. So without further ado, your NeoWardrobe guide. Within a week, I’ll try to get the missing part to you.

Neowardrobe Guide

– By the illustrious yet unknown Amalthiea167 (on neopets anyway…)

Admit it. Like me, you also love to unlock the animations. And though most of them are pretty darn obvious, you may just feel a little lazy. That’s where I come in, dearest friends. You’ll have to use a little deductive thinking to know what I’m talking about since I don’t have access to a web space with enough bandwidth to take screenshots (and I don’t have enough knowledge to take a screenshot in flash anyway) and post them, so just be smart about it and LOOK before you panic. Warning for modemers like myself: The game itself and the pets take forever to load, and you get no NP, but this is good clean fun.

Pterattack 2 Guide by Alex

You go around shooting enemies. That’s basically it. You have weapons and upgrades that go up to level 4 starting with a weak blue laser beamy thing called ptershot. It’s rapid fire but it isn’t spread. I don’t suggest getting this. It’s upgrade/weapon look is a blue circle with 3 lines that flash. It stays as the same shot.

Next, is pterboom. Shoots a boomerang out. It’s purple. it goes at an angle. At level 2 you shoot 2 boomerangs and at level 3 you shoot 2 boomerangs. At level 4 you shoot 2 GIANT boomerangs. This is my second most favorite weapon. Upgrade is a purple circle with a purple line spinning inside.

Extreme Herder Guide by aishiarocker

It’s a new game, and a fun one at that! Extreme Herder. In this game, you are running around trying to get your flock of pet pet’s into a coral before Balthazar the bounty hunter eats them. You have three lives, and every time Balthazar eats one of your pet pets (or you) you lose a life. When you’ve lost all three lives, the game is over.


You only need to use the arrow keys on your keyboard for this. To pick up a pet pet, all you have to do is walk into it. Then walk up to a gate in the coral, and press the up key. The pet pet will drop in, and will be safe from Balthazar. You can’t carry more than one pet at once. If you want to drop a pet pet, you can press the space bar, although I don’t know why you’d want to drop a pet pet.

NeoWardrobe Guide by Christina

1. Aisha:
use the ski goggles, snowboard, scarf and woolly ski cap

use the crisp freshly ironed shirt, the apron and the cheese market employee cap

use the robotic tail with sattelite dish, the ears with advanced sound filtering capabilities, (the result of years of careful research)ai.303,and the cyborg aisha head

use the stylish eyewear with uv protection, the peach hat, the latest in designer knitwear and the trousers hot off the catwalk

use the pirates hat with traditional skull and crossbones, the cutlass, eyepatch and gold earrings

use the hypno eys (the red swirly things), lab coat with various chemical stains and the hair that looks like it hasn’t been brushed recently