The Neopets

The complete guide to all of the neopets, the following pages contain vital statistics and fun facts for all those neopets junkies out there! Including descriptions and special abilities, each neopets species character is explored to leave you with an intuitive decision on what will work and what will leave you with tantrum throwing babies. With instructions on how to discover the most rare neopets in existence, you can’t go wrong with this chapter!


Those cute eyes, cute ears and cute look, how could a person not help but fall in love with these cute creatures. Their wide-eyed innocence, trusting nature and giggles has the ability to charm a bird off its branch. A perfect addition to any family, this neopet will always bring joy and hope, even during times when there seems to be no light. Perhaps it is their innocence that creates this, but this ability to give hope to anyone is perhaps the most powerful ability of all.

Destruct-O-Match II Guide by hoshino_shira_megami

Welcome to my guide to Destruct-o-Match II! This guide should help you get better scores for more neopoints, and the avatar if youre trying to score 2500+. As a starter tip, at the start screen if you click on the bottom to the second bone, the all too familiar orange shirted programmer will pop up. 🙂

The object of this game is simple enough; destroy all of or as many of the boulders as you can on the screen. You get a 250 point bonus for clearing the screen completely! If you leave 1 boulder you get a 200 point bonus, 2 boulders gives you 150, 3 is 100, and 4 gives 50 points extra. So you see, its important to try and clear all the boulders you can! This requires some strategies, so hopefully my guide will give you tips that help you clear the board easier.

Jubble Bubble Guide by hyperknuckles77_tail

In this game, you play as Kelby, a Maraquan Shoyru. You have to cushion the JubJubs’ fall before they splat onto the ocean floor. How? By blowing out bubbles to help them fall safely. As time passes by, the JubJubs fall faster, so get ready. Lose three JubJubs and the game is over! Its that simple!


Use your mouse to move Kelby. To catch a JubJub in a bubble, position yourself beneath it, click & hold the left mouse button to adjust the distance that the bubble will travel. To release the bubble, let go of the mouse button.


JubJub = 10 pts
Dubloon = 25 pts

Neggsweeper Guide by rhoc

Neggsweeper is basically mine sweeper on windows computers. At the beginning try clear an area in one go. then working in from the out skirts you can figure out whether a negg is safe or not eg, if the # are unknown neggs and the @ are cleared spaces and ! is a bad negg and —- is the bottom of the board try this example :


because there are only 5 possible neggs round the 5 then we know all the neggs round the 5 are bad

#### ! !1@@@@@@@
#### !5@@@@@@@@
#### ! ! 1@@@@@@@

now because there have been already 2 bad neggs round the 2 we know the rest of the neggs bordering the 2 are safe

Cheat! Guide by vicki-gayele

Cheat! is a easy way to earn neopoints fast. It is just a simple card game (sometimes)! Somebody places down cards upside down and tells you what they are. If you think they are cheating click the accuse so and so of cheating. I’ve become Cheat! champion like 4 times and at the process made like 1000+ neopoints each time.

How do I know if my opponent is cheating you ask. Well I know the answer. You can never know for certain but what I do is remember or write down what cards are in the pile. So if someone puts down something that conflicts with that you can be pretty sure they are cheating! Also you rarely have four of the same cards so if someone puts down 4 of the same cards they are most likely cheating. I say most likely because it does sometimes happen. But it has happened to me like 5 times out of 14 games maybe. There’s less of a chance that they are cheating with 3 of the same cards but it is still a possibility.