Raise Your Voice Game Guide

A sponsor game for a Hillary Duff movie, you take a quiz to find out which character you are most like. From the options of Terri, Jay, Paul, Denise and Robin, you are tasked to answer five questions. This is an easy neopoint game, given it’s an automatic 200 neopoints once you finish it.

The resulting character personalities are stereotypical artists, ‘nerd’, jock, famous wannabe and class clown. While the game isn’t challenging, it’s great for an extra 200 neopoints per game.

The Characters

Like Denise, played by Dana Davis, you are motivated to pursue your dreams. You live your life to the fullest, and love to entertain people with your skills.

Go! Go! Go! Guide by Snowballwarlord

This is a very interesting game, in which the goal is to play a card higher than the last until u run out of cards.

Hint #1 At the beginning of the game never play high cards such as aces or cards such as twos, save these until the draw pile is gone.

Hint #2 if you have a two and a ten, try to keep the game moving and the cards low, until at about 15 cards you can play your ten and eliminate lots of cards.

Hint #3 Against a computer opponent, attempt to get the number of cards down as far as possible. This will allow you to play catch-up if you ever have to pick up a pile. You are better than AI (or should be, just quit playing if you aren’t).

Extreme Potato Counter Guide by LilPearlAngel

Here we have Extreme Potato Counter, which I’m guessing is really just an improved flash/shockwave/whatever-they’re-using-these-days version of ‘Potato Counter’ which is one of those Medievil games from Meridell.. Basically, on Potato Counter, slowly (or fast, depending on whether you’re using my comp or not) a number of pictures of potatoes (or what is supposed to be potatoes) will pop up on your screen and a yellow Kacheek (apparently called ‘Alton Moughbry’) will ask you ‘How many potatoes do I have??’ and you have to sit there counting the potatoes, then type in the number and click guess as fast as you can.. Hopefully gaining some NP. Not very much though, but then I don’t know, I guess it depends on how fast you can count.. Which is about 0.25 mph for me.. but according to Alton over here, I counted 58 potatoes correctly in 44 seconds, which means I win 30 NP! Oh the joy of having 30 NP! Ok so anyway… to Extreme Potato Counter, founded in February 2003 by PPT, and after much suspense to play the new game (waiting for the link to work), we were given a brief game guide of ‘just count the big brown pebbles while they are flying to the air and spinning’. So here is a more detailed guide to hopefully help you.

Petpetsitter Guide by shygirl79uk


Coffee (lots of it), unplug the phone and allow yourself a few hours to spend on this game.


This game is extremely annoying and can get very tedious at times, but it is very simple to play and as long as you have the patience (and time) you can easily earn yourself a shiny new trophy.

First off, prepare yourself to sit in front of your computer for about 3 hours (no that is not a typo, i did say 3 hours!) because this game is so easy and there is no “winning” involved the scores on the high-score table are ridiculously high.



Neggsweeper Guide by KuramaandHiei4ever

The game is pretty simple once you get acquainted with it. It is exactly like minesweeper (which can most likely be found under “Games” in your start menu if you’re a Windows user).

The basic concept is that the numbers that appear tell you what the eight surrounding tiles contain. If the number that shows up is a three, for example, three of those tiles have red neggs. Click one and it’s game over. Here are some simple pointers to help you on your way to winning lots of neopoints (up to 3,000 neopoints a day!):

  1. Your first few times playing, play on easy. This will let you get a feel for the game.
  2. (more…)