My Easy Guide to Earning Neopoints by Kris

Buys stocks everyday, 500 shares each from two companies rated between 15-17. For more guidance, please refer to stock market guides.

I recommend putting most of your neopoints in the bank and take out what you need to spent. Reduce the chance of the ghost steal your points. Always head for places (e.g. Wheel of Misfortune) first which have risk of hurting or taking your neopets/pets, then go to places which will never harm your neopets, maybe better (e.g. Healing Springs, Coltzan’s Shrine).

Go to these places daily for free items:
Geraptiku Tomb (risky)
Healing Springs
Coltzan Shrine
Fruit Machine
Underwater Fishing
Freebies (monthly only)
Advent Calendar (during the month of December)