Sutek’s Tomb Guide by tigrlady

Neopoint Payout (at May 2004): Your Score divided by 2.5 = Neopoints
Maximum Neopoint Payout: 1000 NP per pay (need a score of 2500)

Object: Switch two adjacent tiles to create a line of three or more of the same tiles. Matches tiles will disappear and the tiles around it will fall to fill in the space, while new tiles appear from the top of the screen. You can only switch tiles and make lines of tiles in the left/right and up/down directions. No diagonal plays are allowed.

Game Modes:

Easy Mode: The game pieces are larger and so there are fewer rows and pieces on the board. There are 8 rows and 8 columns which means there are 64 total tiles to play with. You don’t score nearly as many points for making lines of tiles as you can in Hard Mode but the game-points-to-neopoints ratio remains the same. There is a time limit.

Meerca Chase II Guide by superdragoncheetah

Meerca Chase I and II are some of the top games in Neopets. They are an excellent way to earn some easy neopoints. If you want to earn some np, I suggest you play this game. Its fun, and a bit challenging as well. Ill help you under stand Meerca Chase in this guide.

The Rules and The Object of the Game

The rules are simple. You control a neopet called the Meerca. You have to run around collecting Neggs (Neggs are those little egg-like sack shaped things that have a smiley on them.) I dont know how the definition can get any simpler =P You must collect all the neggs EXCEPT the red ones that appear on the screen during the game. If you accidentally touch a red negg, you automatically LOSE and you have to either send your score, or reset the game. As you collect neggs, they form a line behind you, which gets longer and longer as you collect more neggs. Got it? OK lets move on.

Attack of the Marblemen Tips

Things to keep in mind
Submitted by aimee karr
First, the codes for the game to advance to higher levels are issued only to one user, and that code remains usable to only that one user. So user-shared codes won’t work for other users!

Second, when playing the game always work backwards. Starting at the box, form a mental pattern that you can follow to get the ball to go into your box, then began clicking on the wedges from the box outward.

Thirdly, enlarge the screen! You can see the wedges much more, and this really does help a lot.

Beginning neopoints
Submitted by dearkity2
Always start from the beginning of Level 1 everytime you play. That way, you can get a lot more neopoints as the levels progressively become more difficult.