Spacerocked! Guide by Shabba110

Spacerocked is a very simple game. You are an orange Grundo shooting ammo towards Sloth’s spaceship. You have three tries for every level to hit the spaceship which is right at the end of every level. You can only advance to the next level if you hit the spaceship.

Along the journey of your ammo, you will come across helpful or harmful objects. These are:

  • Green meteor: 200 points + a boost (good).
  • Red meteor: Destroys your ammo (bad).
  • Purple Grundo (on the ground): 500 points + a big boost (very good).
  • Pipe: If your ammo cant bounce over it, it will be rebounded back and will stop (bad).
  • (more…)

Ice Cream Machine Guide by Dragonfang_Wolfclaw

This game is fairly simple, and can earn you 3,000np daily, and a cool avatar! There object of this game is to dodge the ice cream that fly towards you. Here are some tips before you start the game.

1. Clean your mouse.
2. Close messaging programs (they can get in the way and make you loose a life simply).
3. If your computer lags, turn off the music and sound on the game to reduce lag. This game is played on the server, and thus, even if you lag, the game wont!

Anyways, back to the guide. There are special Ice Cream that will come by:

Kiss The Mortog Guide by jeffry777_is_back

Edited by Kym Huynh

Introduction and Guide

All you need to play Kiss the Mortog is a measly 50 neopoints and some luck. To begin playing, click on one of the two Mortogs and hope it is the prince/princess. If you guess correctly, you win 100np and are given the option to pull out with your winnings, or keep playing.

If you choose the wrong Mortog, it will explode and you will lose all the money you won. This continues for the whole game, with the prize and the odds increasing every turn.

In this game of chance, the odds against you winning increase with every turn. This is because every level a Mortog is added.

Maths Nightmare Guide by Shoyru_Lover

Maths Nightmare, the game of math, intuition, speedy hands and a quick mouse. In order to fully blitz this game, one must have a calculator at his/her side (with big buttons of course), preferably two, and a friend or two to help with the later levels. Unless you can multiply extensive numbers in your head quickly (it is possible if you train yourself), then the only way to beat your way to a high score if through the use of patient friends.

Basically, Imiya the Aisha has a huuuuge maths test tomorrow morning and she cannot be disturbed by sheep. (Notice the humour on Neopets part of course ~_^ ) You can defend Imiya the Aisha is by bapping the noisy sheep. However, like always, there is a catch. Shooting requires miniscule precise calculations to release the potent beams to make the sheep disturb another person, someone who doesn’t have a maths test the following morning. At times, the sheep will swarm you, and you will need to co-ordinate quickly your hand movements and your typing to repel the invaders.

Cheat! Guide by vicki-gayele

Cheat! is a easy way to earn neopoints fast. It is just a simple card game (sometimes)! Somebody places down cards upside down and tells you what they are. If you think they are cheating click the accuse so and so of cheating. I’ve become Cheat! champion like 4 times and at the process made like 1000+ neopoints each time.

How do I know if my opponent is cheating you ask. Well I know the answer. You can never know for certain but what I do is remember or write down what cards are in the pile. So if someone puts down something that conflicts with that you can be pretty sure they are cheating! Also you rarely have four of the same cards so if someone puts down 4 of the same cards they are most likely cheating. I say most likely because it does sometimes happen. But it has happened to me like 5 times out of 14 games maybe. There’s less of a chance that they are cheating with 3 of the same cards but it is still a possibility.