You Filthy Little Brat by star_bloom

I had a friend that I met in my guild Adopt Painted Pets, lets call her Veen. I met Veen when I put my Baby Aisha up for adoption in the guild’s database. She sent in a well written request to adopt her, very well written, about three neomails long.

I looked Veen up and she had 3 baby pets, a big shop, and a nice, well-rounded account. This, I said to myself, this is the perfect owner! Well, little did I know…

A few weeks later, I let her adopt my aisha. She was so thrilled that she gave me an old account of hers with Lab Ray, because I had mentioned that I was planning to buy it later that day. Of course, I absolutly fell over myself when she said I could keep the robot peophin that was in the account too! So she gave me all of these wonderful things, and in another few weeks, we were “best neofriends”.