Dubloon Disaster Guide by larrylyn7

Loads of people say that to play Dubloon Disaster well, you need to keep the number of mines on the screen down to the smallest number possible.

I am here to tell you that you do not have to do this!!

I am an experienced player and getting rid of the mines is easy enough, but i also find that it is just as effective to keep all the mines. This is good for the new players.

To start with go about collecting the dubloons as normal. Then when mines start appearing, try to get them into a group. There is no need to get them to collide just make sure they are together. This way it is easy to avoid them. I have scored my best points by doing this.

Dubloon Disaster Guide by fireandflame

This is my first ever game guide, so please don’t laugh at it if its not very good 😛

In my opinion this is one of the BEST games there are out there at the moment, and it is defiantly one the easiest to get a high score in. The nice thing is you can take your time over this game, and really clock up a high score. (remember you get twice as many neopoints as your score!)

There are two ways of playing this game to my knowledge, the first is to zoom around collecting the coins, with loads of mines following you. This is quite hard, but works for some.