Castle Battles Cheats

Use two supercannonball cannonballs

First you have to fire a cannonball then type supercannonball as it reaches Skarl’s castle. Then before he fires, you have to restart the game. The first shot you fire will be a super cannon ball and you can still use the cheat. Neat huh?

Maintain the effects of supercannonball

Turns out when you type the cheat *supercannonball* right after blasting Skarl’s castle, the impact of the cannonball will repeat itself, only stronger. Then on your next turn you get the football shaped cannonball. – superhuman 163

Football cannon ball

If you type supercannonball (once per game) you will get a football shaped cannon and it will destroy everything in your way. – kingjon21

Pyramids Cheats

Free Game Play the Following Day

Whenever you have reached your daily limit for the game, click on it again when it says play again. DON’T continue playing. The next day when you go back it will say you have a game already started and continue with that game. You aren’t charged the 50 NP for the first game of the day. It’s not much but 50 NP is 50 NP 🙂 – by Lupinia