Tag: carnival of terror guide

  • Carnival of Terror Guide by Jennifer

    Carnival of Terror screen shot

    Carnival of Terror is an amazing source of neopoints. I am going to tell you how to get the most out of this game the easiest.

    To start off lets talk about the scoring system, this is what is going to get your the most neopoints. Now people think “If I hit all the parts on the clown I’ll get more points”, this couldn’t be more wrong, but we will get into this later.

    • Clown Heads – 2 pts
    • Clown Arm – 4 pts
    • Clown Legs – 1 pt
    • Umbrella – 3 pts
    • Clown Skeleton – 1 pt
    • Pie O Death – 5 pts

    Now that we have cleared this up, let’s get back to being more wrong. If you hit ever clown part, not only are you wasting ammo and valuable time but you are also wasting clowns. If you spend all your time hitting every clown part you aren’t going to get many points and you will most likely miss many clowns.

  • Carnival of Terror Guide by Linh

    Carnival of Terror screen shot

    Assuming that you already know the points to the game as well as how to play it; I’m just going to give you a few tips. Hopefully it becomes useful to those players. (I have scored over 2000 points each game and if I can do it, you can also do the same.)


    1. Running of time?

    Type “custard” only once per game as stated already.

    2. Running out of bullets?

    When the bullet meter flashes [black] wait for the bullet-parachute to come down and if a pie comes near you hit only once or twice or else your going to lose b/c you wasted too many bullets. [__] < Leave this many space for when the bullet meter flashes.

  • Carnival of Terror Guide by Trilian8

    Here’s a somewhat different guide for Carnival of Terror or it might be considered a cheat for those of you who have trouble aiming in this game.

    It’s pretty well known that if you dissect each clown you get more points (hitting umbrella, head, nose, feet, body, etc.) This can be done by using your tab and enter keys. Once you start the game hit tab then hit enter. By hitting tab, you’ll get a yellow box around one of the body parts on one of the clowns. Keep doing this and rack up lots of points. When you use this method, you won’t use up any of your ammo, so you can be pretty quick about it. If you’re quick enough, you can hit all of the pies that get thrown at you.