Altador Cup V Team Rosters

16 teams make up this year’s Altador Cup competition including the above featured Team Moltara. Take a good long look folks because soon you will be choosing one team that you think best represents you and your interests.

Team Tyrannia

Team Shenkuu

Team Roo Island

Team Mystery Island

Team Moltara

Team Meridell

Team Maraqua

Team Lost Desert

Team Kreludor

Team Krawk Island

Team Kiko Lake

Team Haunted Woods

Team Faerieland

Team Darigan Citadel

Team Brightvale

Team Altador

Altador Cup V Signups Open

Signups for 2010’s Altador Cup V competition are now official open so don’t forget to join a team today.

The Altador Cup is Neopia’s greatest sporting spectable, an annual tournament where representatives from eighteen lands square off for more than a month of intense competition. While the tounament’s main event is the game of Yooyuball, participants can also contribute to their team’s success by participating in a trio of side games. –

Upon signing up, you will receive prizes depending on your participation in the Altador Cup of prior years.

Possible Prizes Upon Joining a Team