Switch-A-Roo Tips From a Winner by Ladraco

First – I once told a friend of mine that I play Stupidly Fast on my maximum bet – she tried it, she lost all four times. That’s a really bad idea. Try it slowly. Try slow, medium, and then fast. The next day try fast at your maximum bet, you should be doing good. You may loose once or twice as some of my friends have, but in the end you’ll still be flyin’ high.

The BEST secret to beating Stupidly Fast, though, isn’t to cheat. It’s to PRACTICE. I lost the first time I tried Stupidly Fast, then kinda chickened out on it, always playing Fast. The next time I tried Stupidly Fast, I won. I had to watch it like a HAWK and I was sure I had it wrong, but I didn’t. After a month or so of heart-pounding sessions, I was getting better. For a few more months, I had to sit almost nose to the screen, sometimes having a good blink before hand so I wouldn’t have to blink as much during the game (it really helps when he’s doing his faster moves), but I was becoming more confident.

The hardest move to beat is the simplest. When he’s just flipping those coconuts around like a mad Roo. But there’s a great way to keep an eye on your shell. For a long time I made the mistake of watching the whole coconut or even, of all the stupidity, watching Uggaroo’s hands. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS watch the three black spots on your coconut! Why? The black spots don’t get lost as easily in a sea of brown coconut as a whole coconut. You can also see if the spots slide behind or in front of another set of black spots this way, so you’ll know weather he’s faked you out or has really switched the shells.

Uggaroo has one move that I found very confusing at first. He’ll take the coconut on the far left and slide it forward, then take the coconut on the right, slide it back towards him while holding it, smack it out of view with the middle coconut, and put what was the middle coconut on the far left, and the far left coconut in the middle, and then replacing the far right one where it was. It looks and sounds complicated, but once you learn to see it coming, you can probably watch a moment of TV or something if you want. In reality, all this just amounts to a very slow switch of the left and center coconuts. The right one goes back where it was – which is especially cool if that’s the one the stone is under.

Also, don’t be fooled by Uggaroo lifting a shell – even if it looks like he lifted it off the table, he just slid it back – the stone could still be under it.

IF all else fails, I found out through accidentally doing it, though I learned to prefer to have it at it’s fastest because it gets the job done quicker, there is one little thing you can do even if you have a quick computer. Open a bunch of heavy weight programs. Art programs, word processors, things that eat up a lot of RAM. The game works like a program and will slow down if your RAM is eaten up, though the animation will be a teeny bit jerky. It’s easier than clicking at your title bar all through the game – which forces the screen to shift or blink some and takes you attention away, anyway, which could distract you and loose you the game more readily than if it had been operating at full speed. BUT this is a measure of desperation and the better policy is still to JUST PRACTICE!

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