SSchainmail90’s Guide to Meerca Chase by SSchainmail90

So your new to meerca chase… okes, no probs 🙂

I would NOT recommend doing easy mode, as this is just a time waster, its boring, you get hardly any points plus if you die its gonna take ages to get those points back again in another game. If your new, try medium. After a few tries of that, trying to perfect the distance between red neggs (they take up A LOT more space than the yellow neggs, strange as it seems) try hard. Then, go around collecting all the neggs, avoiding the red neggs (ug… duh!!!) This is IMO easier than medium, since its faster and more points. Most would say “its too hard to control!” I say that’s rubbish. A few tries and you will be getting 300 NP every try. Also, if a rainbow or fish negg just “happens” to pop up, its a ton of neopoints and that magical meerca plushie you always wanted :). Also, there’s a timing for meerca chase. If you cant get a negg for 1.5 seconds, then a red one appears. On hard your so fast that you nearly never get a red negg (but i think the timer is faster on hard mode :(.)

Remember, the only way to get better is to train over your abilities.

Supreme Experts: Press “shift” in the difficulty select screen. Then when you enter, collect a negg (its X12 for this mode.) Now Left is right and right is left. Its very difficult to master and I’ve got 9 neggs from this. (my record) although some of us have more skill than others…

If you have any queries, neomail SSchainmail90.

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