Spell Faeries

Faeries are tiny magical creatures that live in Neopia. Meeting one is said to be very lucky indeed, as they can bless your pets with all sorts of powers and abilities. A pet must be strong enough to control the faeries spells though, so if your pet is inexperienced then the faerie may just fly away. There are many different types of faeries with differing powers, abilities and temperaments. Faeries range from the elusive air faerie to the playful water faeries that inhibit the waters, lakes and streams of neopia.

Spell Faeries can be found in a number of places. Although you will rarely find a wild spell faerie (if your pet is quick enough, they may be able to catch wild faeries) because they are extremely hard to catch and need a quick and witty catcher. You will often find caught bottled up spell faeries in the magic shops and in auctions, trading posts and shops. These caught spell faeries yearn to be released back into the wild with their friends so in return, if you release them, they will grant your pet magical powers. However, if your pet is not strong enough or not experienced enough, then the faerie will not be able to bless it and will fly away.

Air Faerie

The Air Faeries are magical, joyous little creatures who love to dance on the wind. Meet one and it will bless your pet with abilities from the sphere of air – powers such as invisibility, haste or flight.

Earth Faerie

The Earth Faeries live in the forests of Neopia, making their homes between the branches of the tallest trees. They love to collect and store items, and try and hide themselves from the creatures far, far below. They can grant powers such as toughened skin, the ability to magically create food or burrow into the ground.

Fire Faerie

Fire Faeries are mischievious urchins that inhabit the hotter realms of Neopia. They love nothing better than playing tricks and causing havoc wherever they go. If you want a strong creature in combat then visit these Faeries, as they can grant many battle magics.

Water Faerie

Swimming in the rivers and streams, unseen by most, are the Water Faeries. They can be heard singing quietly at night, but only if they aren’t aware that you are near. They specialise in healing and defensive powers that will protect your pet from harm.

Light Faerie

Living on clouds on the upper levels of Neopia are the radiant Light Faeries. Devoted to the cause of good, they will rarely stray deep down to the lower levels. If a creature is noble and bold of heart, these magical sprites can grant him or her holy powers such as bless and restore.

Darkness Faerie

And lastly, the Darkness Faeries, minions of the evil one himself. Lying in wait to tempt those weak of heart, the power granted by these evil imps is great, but at a price. These evil Faerie abilities include creating darkness, draining life and vision at night.

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