Spacerocked! Guide by Jay_Son_Ray

Good Things

  • Green meteorites gives you +200 points and good boost.
  • Pool of lava gives you +100 points and small boost.
  • Grundos gives you +500 points and GREAT boost.
  • Pile of space dust when landed on gives you extra Grundo power boost or extra rock + a whopping +1000 points

Bad Things

  • Open crater in the moon will end your shot if landed in.
  • Small crater will end your shot if you go low over it at a really slow speed.
  • Overshooting the ship: Good you got there but a real bummer.

A Few Tips

The first thing to remember is to only shoot when your rubber band is glowing bright green. This gives you the most powerful shot as well as aiming as far up as you can.

If you hit a pipe and this is your first shot and you have not used a boost, just shoot again.

If you’re looking for some points try shooting both rocks without using the boosts then go for the shop on your last shot. Be careful and hope there are no pipes on your last shot.

Level 1

All you need to do is let the rock bounce once then use Grundo boost. This usually gets you there no problem. Just try not to overshoot the ship.

Level 2

This level is about the same. Just try to get one or two boosts along the way and this time let the rock bounce as much as it can before using your Grundo boost.

Level 3

This one is pretty hard but one secret I use is to shoot the rock and hope for a boost on your first try. If you don’t get a boost let it go and try again.

When you finally get a boost, go ahead and use the Grundo boost and like on the second level, the only way to hit this ship is to get hit at least three good boosts besides your Grundo boosters.

Good luck and have fun! – Jay_Son_Ray

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