Snow Wars II Guide by epicchicken

Snow Wars II is pretty easy once you have the right strategy.

First, you need to only play when you have the right snowman setup to defend. All your snowmen should be at least thee snow blocks from the edge of the field you can build in. Why three? Because that is the max length of the pieces you get to surround and re-build your fort. If you have less room than that, you end up not being able to use larger pieces to surround your snowmen in later rounds.

So, restart the game until your snowmen are in a good place. Then build a fort around them. I usually just click like mad on my mouse in a rough circle around the snowmen and fill in spots I miss.

Place your catapults in the middle front first, and in the later rounds work your way out and back.

With all your snowmen in the center, you can also build a smaller fort. 16-20 catapults will be all you need because you can only get about 16 shots off before the first one you shot will hit the ground and that first catapult will be ready to fire again. Any more than that number is a waste and slows down the game. It also helps to have some blank space to the side or back you can place blocks that don’t fit in your fort.

OK – so now we are into game play. the round begins – shoot catapults first. You can usually just click on them as they move less than the Lupes. Click on all of the catapult enemies once until they are gone (do it quickly, of course) then the Lupes – you need to click on them and click in front of them twice.

Do all the Lupes like that. Some Lupes move side to side, so they won’t be hit with that first volley. Use your extra time to click on them and in the directions they might move (up down or left of the Lupe).

You should try to destroy every enemy each turn. If you don’t and their numbers keep increasing, you will experience game lag, and only get off about 20 shots per round and eventually you will lose because their numbers will get bigger and bigger until you can’t fill in holes.

I might have 1-4 leftovers in some rounds, but I usually am able to get rid of them in later rounds.

When shooting enemies, don’t follow these rules blindly. It is best to get rid of the catapults first, but if you have a whole group of Lupes and catapults together, it might not be too bad to strafe the area with shots before you get all the enemy catapults on the other side of the screen.

They key is to avoid lag. Keep the screen pretty open and you will be able to play almost indefinitely. I have hit 30,000 before and quit because I was so tired of playing.

This is a great game to play a few rounds and get your 3000 NPs for the day. All you need is 800 points to get 1000 NPs.

Good Luck! – epicchicken

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