Snow Wars Guide by ashleigh_chik

As you know there are 7 pieces you must bomb in Snow Wars. Different pieces take up different amount of spaces.

I tried many strategies before I found the one that worked for me. I was stuck on level 10 so I finally decided to use statistics. I played 10 games and did screenshots of every game. For every space on the board (there are 48), I did a percentage.

Once I began using the percentages, I did much better and eventually won. You must know that you don’t have to follow the percentages EXACTLY. I usually followed the percentages until I found the two small snowmen, then I used common sense to find the pieces that take up more than one space.

The following are the percentages I came up with and the ones that helped me win the game. For example, I always start with D7 because 87% of the time, it will be a hit. To help me see the percentages better, I color coded them by the rainbow. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple. This was the order I used when deciding which spaces to bomb.

Note: Some spaces haev 0%. This does not mean it will absolutely never be a hit. It means that it was never a hit in the 10 games I used for the statistics.

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