Shop Tips by cloudy715

Here are some shop tips, for anyone who is having trouble earning neopoints from their shop.

I was once having trouble earning neopoints with my shop. That was because I had such cheap prices! Of course you want cheap prices, but EVERYONE WANTS QUALITY ITEMS TOO! No one wants the shopkeeper saying, “My trash is your treasure.” That’s never a very nice greeting. Just make sure that you have no junk in your shop first, that is the first step to having a great shop. get some rare foods, no omelettes though, and put them in your shop.

Price them reasonably, maybe like this: a tobbie fruit might be 100 neopoints, or a strawberry jelly would be 50 neopoints (such a low price, I request, because you can now get those as freebies in Jelly World) or a tyrannian tangy cheese and crackers would be 100 neopoints. Try not to go much higher than 100 NP for starters.

Wait about a month and see how the neopoints making is going. Is it going bad? Is it going good? If it’s going bad, you might want to try putting makeup in your shop. Thanks to air faerie quests, makeup really needs to exist. That means that people online will be searching for makeup. Air faeries need makeup! Yay! You can find red blush and tan eye shadow in the shop wizard shops for about 50 neopoints, so trust me, makeup is easy and cheap to buy if you want to buy your items that you plan to put in your shop for reasonable prices, shopwizard is there for you. if your neopoint-making is going good with the 100 neopoints method, keep that up.

I would even go lower prices if I were you, to experiment with prices a little bit. See what people will buy from you at certain prices. If you do experiment like this, you might learn how customers think. you might go shopping one time, and think hard about what you are looking for, and what things you would accept and wouldn’t.

Think about those things when you are making your prices in your shop too. what would I look for, and what wouldn’t I buy at what prices? I know sometimes this can be frustrating, but you just have to play games. I know how you feel, people who don’t want to, but it really is the best way to earn neopoints. Everyone has favorite games on Neopets, but if you don’t earn enough from your daily games, every once in a while try to get new ones, so you’ll earn more neopoints each day.

There are plenty of ways to get freebies, especially in December. There is free omelette, so that could feed your pet, and if he or she is still hungry, try feeding him free jelly from jelly world and if THAT doesn’t help, you might consider going to the 7-11 shop and feeding your pet some rice balls. And then after that if he’s still hungry, you can feed him a Pepsi and some martini. That will keep you from BUYING food for your pet. That is one way to save money for buying stuff to put in your shop, so if I didn’t have a shop, I would never spend neopoints.

Take about a week and try not to buy any food for your pet (remember what I said earlier, don’t make your pet die, feed him with free stuff) and try to spend the least possible buying items. Make sure these are quality items. Neopians, remember that no one is searching for junk, so no one will buy it! Junk = no customers want to go near it!

Additionally, when your shop goes out of items… RESTOCK! I hate it when I am searching for something on the shop wizard and I bump into a shop that has no items in it! I imagine what kind of cheap items they could have in stock, and how much neopoints they would be making if they just restocked. So, if the makeup AND the 100 neopoint methods don’t work, just work up some more neopoints.

It takes patience to get those aggravating points. Try to spend as little as possible! Both methods really work, so try to work on one of them if you’re looking for more neopoints. The way everyone loses neopoints – they spend too much! I try to save up my neopoints, and not save up FOR anything at the same time, so I can spend it whenever I want, making sure I don’t spend too much. and then, I can afford to not spend that much, because I don’t really need to shop. those are some more neopoints tips.

Thank you, Neopians! Have fun trying my methods, I hope that you will get benefits from my tips! – cloudy715

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