Shape shifters, yet another puzzle for us to solve! Hello again, I’m Razol, and I’ll guide you through Shapeshifter like I did Extreme Herder! Now, this game isn’t an action game, but a puzzle. It had me stumped for the LONGEST time, so you’ve got to think carefully! I’ll start with the basics.
Ok, the aim of the game is to get all of the symbols to be the same. The only four I know of are the Crown, Sword, Goblet, and Glove. They are nothing but pieces of the puzzle. I’ve only gotten to level 5, so I’m not too much an expert, but it says you can get up to 5 different symbols in one puzzle.
Active Shape
The Active Shape is just how many of these symbols will change. They come in a variety of shapes, and you can see that shape when you bring the mouse over the puzzle. Now, when you click, those highlighted symbols will change into their opposite. The goal is to get the entire thing ONE Symbol. Right underneath the grid, there’ll be a box, and the symbol above the word ‘Goal’ is what you are trying to finish with.
Next Shapes
The next shapes is simply what you’ll get after you use your active shape. Let’s give an example:
Active Shape:
@ (Pretend it’s a square)
Next Shapes:
@@ @@
Now, once you use the single x as your Active Shape, the double x’s (xx) will be your active shape. And so on, and so on.. Well, that was quite a bit less complicated than Extreme Herder.
The Guide
Yes, I have gotten to the guide! *bows* Anyways, I find that quite a few of my friends have started out with something like this:
OXO Legend:
XXX O= Sword
XXX X= Crown
Active Shape:
Next Shapes:
Now, being the first puzzle, it’s quite simple. You have two moves to make everything on the board @’s, or Crowns. For your last move, you’ll be using @@@ to make those three symbols into X’s ((Again, or Crowns)). Now, look very closely, and concentrate…. don’t hurt yourself! There it is!
You have to make three O’s. How to make three O’s? Change the X into an O by clicking it! And now you have three O’s in a row, and your active shape is @@@. It matches! Now make sure those three top symbols, which stand out from the others are highlighted. Click it and they’ll turn into Crowns/X’s as well! Voila, you’ve solved the puzzle!
Just like Sinsi’s hint: ‘I don’t know why people get so worked up about this game, it’s quite simple!’ You simply need to take your time. Try writing it on paper first, as I found that it helps. Just use common sense and…uhmm.. well, try it until you get it. If that doesn’t work, you could always wreak havoc among your family until someone else solves it for you.
Well, sorta. A Quote from Sinsi!: ‘Practice makes perfect!’
Make the grid on a piece of paper, using X’s and O’s ((Or whatever)). Then make your active shape and next shapes to the side. When you think of something, draw a line through it and make a new grid with your changes. Makes it easier than clicking it all, plus you can go back to the first one if you’ve used pencil.
And, what’s best, is that you can come back to the game whenever you want, and it won’t be restarted! Thanks for reading my latest guide, and I hope it helps you out!
P.S. If you have any other questions about this game, here is where you can reach me:
Neopets: Razol
AIM: patheticcube