Sara’s Neopets List by Sara Halliday

Ok! here is my list of how to make np! It’s really long, so you might want to copy it onto microsoft word and save it to use later! You definitely want to keep this list! OK here it is!

RULE #1: ALWAYS DEPOSIT ALL OF YOUR NEOPOINTS! If you want to buy a rare item you can take np out of the bank. But always be able to get the np back! Plus, you can get tons of interest!

RULE #2: USE THE SAFETY DEPOSIT BOX! Every time you get a rare item or you find something on the floor, put it in there! Eventually, it becomes your emergency np!


1. Go to the island mystic. (FREE!)

2. Play tombola. (FREE!)

3. Spin the wheel of mediocrity.

4. Grab some omelette; u can sell or use em. (FREE!)

5. Spin the Fruit Machine. (FREE!)

6. Visit Coltzans Shrine. (FREE!)

7. Spin the Wheel of Excitement.

8. Visit the Healing Springs. (FREE!)


1. Meerca chase

2. Grundo Snowthrow.

3. Poogle Solitaire (Find solution on

4. Swarm.

5. Cheat!

6. Jelly Processing Plant

7. Destruct-O-Match

8. Faerie Cloud Racers

9. Any other games u like!! Remember, practice makes perfect, and once you get good at a game, you can get TONS of np!


1. Visit the Snowager.

2. Buy & resell scratch cards! You can buy them from the kiosk and get a profit of 100 np or more. It adds up!

3. Visit the Igloo Garage Sale. They have SOME cheap prices, but don’t get ripped off!!

4. Buy things and resell stuff! You can get TONS of np! Use the shop wiz to buy the cheapest items.

5. Be reasonable with your shop prices. You dont have to have the cheapest prices, but dont have outrageous prices. – Sara Halliday

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