Quick Neopoints in no Time by Macey

Ok, I know everyone wants one of those “Get 100K+ Schemes” that works in minutes. I’m with ’em. But those aren’t out yet so this will work till then:

Start of by playing lots of sponsor games. They aren’t awesome, but trust me. Its worth it. My personal favorite is Lucky Charms or something, like it. These games are probably 100 NP per 100 pts scored and they are so easy!

Next, play Meerca Chase (II). Try it on either Level 1 (Super Beginner) and 2. Hard level goes so fast I can’t even keep up with it.

Then, go play Tombola, grab some omelette, try the Shrine, Fruit Machine, and MOST definitely go to the Money Tree. Take your time at the MT. If you stop seeing the picture when you don’t get something, stop. It won’t let you have anything also from there until the next day.

Then, go to the Health Food store. You can buy REALLY cheap stuff there. Like a Veggie Burger for under 100 NP (depending on how much you haggle) and put it in your shop for around 200 and they will sell.

Try the trading post for good deals too. If you catch a “Newbie” on there, you can probably give them something junky for whatever they have and they’ll accept. He he.

Hope this helped you out! – Macey

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