Pterattack Guide by vixen maree rivers

Pterattack is a game found either in tyrannia or the games room, you have the option of difficulty levels- easy, medium or hard for beginners I would recommend the easy level. In pterattack their is to sides to the area in which your ptera can fly you will notice that their are fuzzy bit along the side these will hurt you E.g. take one of your lives (monitored on the bar on the right side of the screen their are four pteras each time you die one of the birds vanish till you have a black bar I you die after this it’s game over.

Ways to die:

-go into the fuzz along the side.

-have a terradactual fly over you.(you are suppose to shot them to earn points)

– you can also die if the grarrl catches up with you.(he rises periodically from the bottom of the screen)


level 1 ( u start on this level) you need 100 points to go up a level

the other levels I’m not to sure about I think it’s 100 for them to. I was to busy try to not die to notice 🙂

are pulsing circles some of the dactuals (birds) drop the after being killed.

red changing to white and back to red e.g. is a tadow (if you get two of these one after the other the weapon changes and fires two tadows instead of one name unknown this weapon is helpful because you can shot the grarrl when comes up without getting killed because the shots fire go off at an angle . kills orange birds with 1 shot and other birds with 2 shots so forth and so on.

that’s all I know because I avoid the other weapons about to others are good e.g. ptera blaster (colors unknown) but the rest are basically duds. this probably isn’t very helpful but it’s all I know.

vixen river ( wish I could help more ) – vixen maree rivers

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