Pterattack 2 Guide by minka22

Power Ups

Blue Power up

Lv 1 – small blue beam (default weapon).
Lv 2 – stronger beam with faster reload rate.
Lv 3 – stronger beam, even faster reload rate.
Lv 4 – strong rapid-fire beam.

Red Power up

Lv 1 – small red fireball.
Lv 2 – 2 stronger fireballs shooting in a V formation away from you.
Lv 3 – 3 strong fireballs shooting away in a V formation with an extra fireball in the middle.
Lv 4 – 3 fire waves (best weapon out there!).

Green Power up

Lv 1 – three-way shot 9very slow but effective for killing enemies on your sides).
Lv 2 – 2 green balls shooting in a V formation away from you.

Lv 3 – 2 faster green balls shooting in a V formation away from you.
Lv 4 – purple beam shooting directly in front of you. This only reaches 1/2 of the screen yet reloads on contact. Very strong but horrible range.

Purple Power up

Lv 1 – 1 boomerang slightly to the left. Path is not straight.
Lv 2 – 2 boomerangs shooting in a V formation away from you.
Lv 3 – 2 boomerangs with faster rate of fire.
Lv 4 – 2 huge boomerangs with a fast rate of fire.

Hope this helps people choose their weapons in this new game!


Brown Dactyls – killed by one shot of any weapon. Appear on all levels.

Green Dactyls – killed by 2 shots of starting weapon and 1 shot of any level 4 weapon. Appear on all levels.

Blue Dactyls – killed by 1 of the 3 waves of red power up before level 6, after Level 6 you need 2 out of 3 waves to kill it. Appear on all levels after lv 4.

White Dactyls – moves horizontally and diagonally only and gives you no points/power ups. Requires full shot of 3 out of 3 fire waves of lv 4 red power up. Appear on all levels after level 5. Only comes from left side. Note: For some bizarre reason they appear not to hurt you. Still needs more in-depth confirmation. Could be a temporary glitch since when the game first came out they did hurt you.

Gold Dactyls – these are strong and require a full volley of a lv 4 red power up shot. avoid if they come in large groups. They appear everywhere after level 6.

Red Dactyls – These are the most powerful dactyls. They require 5/3 of a lv 4 red power up volley. Avoid them especially if they are in large groups with gold and other red dactyls. Beware their power! only attack them if there is no other way! They appear after level 7.

There are seven levels total. The levels are determined points:

Level 1 = 0 – 200 pts.
Level 2 = 200 – 300 pts.
Level 3 = 300 – 500 pts.
Level 4 = 500 – 800 pts.
Level 5 = 800 – 1,200 pts.
Level 6 = 1,200 – 1,700 pts.
Level 7 = 1,700 – until you die from there on.

Recommended to use the red power up due to its massive forward range. Crowded areas are easy with that weapon. I like to stand lower/mid center but not to close to the bottom as to not be hit by a Grarrl. It is also recommended to go up to mid-high portion of the right side so your weapon can recharge faster. Also on later levels be alert as the dactyls will move horizontally and diagonally near the bottom and that could get chaotic. be alert, shoot and dodge if they are too close or there are too many. in very crowded areas, shoot an opening so you don’t have to shoot each dactyl (thus saving a life or 2 for later).

Grarrls can be a problem but if you already have a level 4 weapon (preferably red) wait till they get to the top of the screen and start shooting his tail while moving down and then get out of his way at the last minute. If done correctly this could get you 100 (since each hit gives you 10 points). NOTE: do not try this method unless you have a level 4 weapon. shooting him makes you move up levels quicker thus you don’t want to keep doing this and end up at level six with a level 1 weapon.

Also whenever you see a power up avoid it unless it is the same color as he weapon you are using. This is deadly if you pick up a different powerup on later levels. Its pretty much game over. It is better to lose a life than pick up a different power up on high levels. If you have a level 4 weapon, don’t stop picking up powerups of the SAME color. It gives you an additional 10 points and rapid fire for a short time. (This is amazing if you have the red level 4 gun!!!)

Every so often you get an extra life. You get your first bonus life at 500, then at 1500, then 3000, then 5000, 7500, 10500 and so on. Up until 5000 I can vouch for, the rest are just predictions based of the pattern I saw. If you are running short on lives and are about to give up, always check your score to see if you are near a life check point! Note: it seems that you don’t get any more extra lives after 3000. I still am trying to confirm it but so far I haven’t got any extra lives after 3000. This could be a temporary glitch. (Thanks to nothingtodobutplay for this info.)

Frequently Asked Questions

c3cill3 – I can play the game but it gets annoying when there’s too many of them thingy (dactyls) it (the weapon) just wont fire.
Answer – It happens. Most of the time I just move out the way or keep moving down until my weapon fires. his mostly happens if you are at a high level and many things are going on screen. Also pick up the power up of the same color you have, it gives you an additional 10 points and rapid fire for a short time. (This is amazing if you have the red level 4 gun!!!)

meleenewb – Well, I knew about pretty much everything in the guide, but I always have trouble with GETTING the red power ups. They just don’t appear for me. It would be easy to just dodge dactyls until they appeared on level one, but they only appear from dactyl corpses. Is there a way to for sure get 4 by the time the blue/orange dactyls start coming?
Answer – If you shoot down every dactyl you see then you should have it by then. The more dactyls you shoot, the higher the chance of you getting power ups. Otherwise it is random.

meleenewb – But every dactyl is worth the same, so to get the the next level, you have to shoot the same amount of dactyls. It shouldn’t matter whether or not you shoot them all at once, right?
Answer – still I find that if you shoot many in a row then you get a much higher rate of power ups. My theory is that dactyls that have a power up are predetermined when they come on screen, thus shooting as many as you can in a row increases the chance of shooting a pre-selected power up carrier. I can’t prove this theory, but I can say that I get much more power up this way. Maybe I’m just lucky.

donna111117 – If you don’t kill the Grarrl doesn’t he destroy a village or something like that?
Answer – The Grarrls destroying the villages does not affect you in any way. This is just a cool feature.

donna111117 – I just played 2 times and leveled up to 4 on the red weapon. The weapon seemed to slow down it’s firing ability as time went on. Is that my imagination?
Answer – All shots slow down on later levels because there is too much going on at the same time on the screen. Also it won’t fire again until it hits something or goes off screen unless you have rapid fire which lets you fire 2 volleys at instead of one.

donna111117 – How do you get rapid fire? I got the red 4 times and 3 waves were coming out of the weapon.
Answer – If you have a level 4 weapon and u see another power up of the same color pick it up and it will give you rapid fire for a short time. with the red power up, this means you could fire 2 volleys per screen instead of 1.

Tips from the Masters

nothingtodobutplay – If you are playing and it’s your first 3 games that you send, you can get any score. Anything over 5000, the info. that comes up, says that the staff will review your score (make sure your not cheating) and give you the score several days later along with your neopoints and trophy (if high enough). *Always* If you are playing an open or world challenge (even if it is one of your first 3) it WILL NOT count if you go over 4995 (I don’t remember if it counted towards the one of the first 3 (I was busy being made about my score not being accepted and then realized (see below). This is why you see all the good players – armyofvahalla – babyson – etc. Stop at 4,995. It’s not because they can’t do better, it’s because a score over 4,995 will not count. The end message says something like they are having problems with their server. (I played an open challenge for 5000 neopoints. I scores 5015. Sent it in. thought it counted. The next score I sent in was 3875. The open challenge took the 3,875 and sent that one in and I lost to the guy who sent in 4995. Lesson learned.)

minka22 – This Also applies to the High scores Tables since I sent in a score of 6,940 and may score was updated much later and I missed out on the gold trophy, while players with scores of 4995 got the gold.

Thank you for reading this guide. Hope it helps you with getting a new and shiny trophy or at least beating your high score. – minka22

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