Pterattack 2 Guide by Alex

You go around shooting enemies. That’s basically it. You have weapons and upgrades that go up to level 4 starting with a weak blue laser beamy thing called ptershot. It’s rapid fire but it isn’t spread. I don’t suggest getting this. It’s upgrade/weapon look is a blue circle with 3 lines that flash. It stays as the same shot.

Next, is pterboom. Shoots a boomerang out. It’s purple. it goes at an angle. At level 2 you shoot 2 boomerangs and at level 3 you shoot 2 boomerangs. At level 4 you shoot 2 GIANT boomerangs. This is my second most favorite weapon. Upgrade is a purple circle with a purple line spinning inside.

Next is the fireball. It’s a red fireball. Level 2 is a spread shot with 2. Level 3 is a spread shot with 3, one to the right and one to the left, and one down the center. At level 4, it shoots 3 big half-circle thingys. My favorite weapon. Upgrade is a red circle with a red dot.

Lastly, the pterpod. Green. Spread until the last level. Level 1 is a three prong. Right, left and middle. Like fireball’s level 3, except the shots to the right an left go horizontally. Level 2 is exactly like fireball level 2. Level 3 is the same as level 2 except a bit more powerful. Level 4 is this laser thingy. Shoots out, stays there half a second, goes back in. Level 4 is the worst weapon. If you use the pterpod, stick to level 3. This is a weapon I don’t use a lot because fireball is better.

Best way to shoot is to hold down the space bar.

To get rid of a Grarrl, get a spread, or go behind it and shoot its behind. If you’re behind it, watch out. If you get hit by it, it looks right and punches.

Every 4 levels you gain a life which is very useful. Around level 6 – 7, lots more dinosaurs come at you. You should have a level 4 weapon by now. You have to watch out. Usually you have to kill them right before they hit you, and if they drop a power-up of a different kind, you’re screwed if you get it. Happened to me twice.

Glitch: At the beginning, don’t press space and leave the starting thing up. You can move around a bit. You can even go into the canyon and out of the screen! Not recommended, cause if you start inside the canyon, you lose a life. Also, if you just shot and you end the game, the shot you just shot will still be on screen. My character in the game now has a green pimple on its face! – Alex

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