Potato Counter Guide by Shoyru_Lover

Before I start, I would like to ask, what the heck are you doing reading this? Surely you can play the game without a game guide! All it requires is counting the potatoes, entering your number and then clicking go! But then again, I guess some people like reading guides for the heck of it, so why not!

Potato Counter would be your most addictive game on Neopets ever (questionable)! Easy as it is, its simplicity will keep you spellbound for seconds, even minutes! The game requires a constant watch, quick fingers and most of all, good numerical skills.

After you have walked up to the potato counting booth, paid the money, and anxiously await the unveiling so you can begin, you nervously twitch waiting for the moment so you can get the head start on others. You hold your breath as the piece of cloth is pulled over to reveal once concealed potatoes. The moment begins, now!

You multi task, giving nervous glances at your opposition. Are they ahead of you? Are they behind? Oh no! That guy looks like he’s already finished! You better hurry. Well, here are a few pointers for you. Not that you need it of course J

When counting, do not count the potatoes as one. Group them into groups of two, three, four or even five! This method is similar to speed reading. When reading a book, reading the book word by word will takes simply ages! Reading the words grouped into groups of five or six will reduce your total time taken be a substantial amount it will leave your family and friends gaping in astonishment!

Remember, speed is essential. The faster your counting, the more points you will receive at the end of the game (if your guess is correct). Try to count everything correct the first time, even if it means spending a little more time. Spending a little more time on the first go is a lot better than counting, getting it wrong and then going back and counting it again. (Think of Esop’s Fables, the tortoise and the hare).

Well, that’s about it! There’s really not much I can offer to you in the forms of hints and tips for this game, as it’s really simple! Try it and see! Good luck! – Shoyru_Lover

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