Poogle Solitaire Tips

Easier Method to Playing

This is how I play Poogle Solitaire: everything is the same, but go into Microsoft Word or Word Perfect or whatever, and paste the game answers. Now, keep the answers in the window behind Poogle Solitaire. Do the move, then minimize the game to get the next move. See? This does work quicker for me. 🙂 – katy f. ytakeno@4dayton.com

Quick Game Play

If you start a game immediately after you win points, you don’t finish it, and you start playing again the next day, it won’t charge you for playing and you can win the points when you finish it the next day. – Evil Lady evilladypravus@hotmail.com

Play this game many times

DO play this game more than twice, your pet’s intelligence will
occasionally increase, and you will also get some free items… DO go as fast as possible, you get a better score for going quicker… – Katrina Lamet creativelyoriginal@hotmail.com

Print them out

What I do is I print it out and then just like memorize two sets of moves and it goes really quick that’s how I get so many toys and stuff. – LilSexayPlyGrl@aol.com

A lot of np

In the game poogle solitiare, you can win 750 NP per day. 83 days are in my summer, some may have more. If you played and won poogle solitaire every day, for 83 days, you could win up to 62,250 NP It only takes about 2 minutes a day. That’s only 166 minutes for 62,250 NP, it’s any easy and quick way to get lots of money. – Ilmma_2

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