Pillsbury Toaster Strudel Bakery Guide by NeLLa


Brought to us by Pillsburry, the Toaster Strudel Bakery is a temporary fruit-filled, mega-flavored game. You better hurry while it lasts. After all, who doesnt want some of that delicious food anyway? I know I do, so I jumped right in and let the strudels fall in my mouth.

Setting and Plot
You choose one out of a couple of pets. After you have chosen, you will be taken to the bakery already. The Krawk will be located upstairs above you. He is the one throwing strudels at you. There also are a couple of customers, such as a Blumaroo, but dont mind him, hes just watching. The main thing to know is that there is a refrigerator, a Krawk, and strudels.

The Krawk goes to the refrigerator, picks up a strudel, and throws it at you.

How To Play
This game is fairly easy. When a strudel drops down, you have to use your left and right arrows, so that you end up right under it, and catch it with your toaster. There is a little built-in toast-o-meter that tells you when the toaster strudels are ready. When it turns green, push the up arrow. The strudel will come back down. Catch it again for bonus points.

Make sure you choose your moves wisely, because you can drop a strudel only four times. The fifth time means Game Over. Also, a few of the toaster strudels earn you even more bonus points, but I will let you figure that out by yourself. Its not hard (hint – new flavors).

Now wasnt that a short guide. Its an easy game, too. If you were a beginner in games, Id suggest you try this one. Its exciting, belly-filling, and easy, so what are you waiting for?!

Writer’s Ratings
Overall? 6/10
Time-Consuming? 3/10
Score: NP Ratio? 1:1
Lucrative? 5/10

Tips by Other Players

When playing, I usually play with the Techo but all of the characters don’t really matter. When starting, you need to eat a certain amount of strudels (that toast looking thing) to reach the next round. The strudels do not have to be iced with the frosting, it’s just that if you do, you’ll receive more points. – reader340

I’m finding that if I press the up button whenever I’m about to catch a strudel, it either empties the toaster for a new one, or empties the toaster so that I can eat one. It’s getting me up to level 8. If you can empty the toaster without icing then it doesn’t go high and you can eat it faster. Less neopoints, but less chance of dropping one, not sure which is better. – jennimac1 – NeLLa

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