Petpetsitter Guide by dudewheresmycat2004

Hi! If you are viewing this section, either you stumbled upon this petpage,or you are looking for some help with the game Petpet sitter. Some of you are probably wondering WHY is petpet sitter so important? Why are people ranting about it on the message boards? Its because this particular game gives you an adorable avatar when you hit a certain amount of points (you’ll beed 2,500+ points for the avatar).

My highest score so far is about 23,870 and I even got on the top 50 list for it 🙂

Anyhow, I just want to say I am AWFUL at games and I play on a very bad quality computer, and I was able to get it so dont think you will never get it. I felt the same way but being an avatar addict, I had to at least give it my best. So, I played. The first time I got 400. Pretty bad of a score. Every time I played I gradually got better and better at it. I hardly ever try for game avatars unless its easy, im bored, or the avi is adorable (like this one). Pretty soon I was making at least 700 and I became more and more determined. Having the short attention span that I have, after every game I would take a break or play other avi games or try to feed some kadoaties. Eventually I would average at 1200 points and I thought THAT was a challenge and I truly believed I was wasting my time and I would never get it. Well I kept practicing anyway, and one lucky day I got 2700 points! I was estatic about it since Im really bad at games. Again and again I was able to get over 2500 and I began to believe I got the hang of it. And I was right. So, anyhow while I tried to get the avatar, I desperately searched for a guide or tips and there was hardly any to be found. Now that I have the avatar, I decided to make a guide since it is such a hard game and there is little guides on it. Anyhow, please read on and follow every tips and every step if you feel it is neccesary.

Preparing yourself before playing:

– First make sure your mouse is cleaned and is not too hard or too easy too move around.
– Open as many popups, the wheel of monotony, media/audio clips, WHATEVER you can in other windows to slow the game down.
– Make sure your hand isnt sweaty and take a deep breath to decrease any anxiety.
– Set it up on HIGH quality so that you can see the critters better, and you can slow the game down even more.
– Try to play this game on a slow computer.
– When you open the window press F11 on your keyboard. This sets the game to full screen and makes the petpets easier to see.
– Some find it helpful if you put your sound up so you can hear when the petpets are needy, when I had gotten the avatar my sound was on, but it wasnt up high enough to really annoy me.
– If you begin playing with an attitude of “I wont get it” then you will not get the avatar. Just think of it as though you were playing for fun.

The game:

– It will start off with one petpet. He will run around for a while, probably knock some things down and then he will need something. To know where to put a petpet see the chart towards the bottom of the page.
– The beginning is the HARDEST part because it is so fast. Eventually when you hit about 700-1000 pts it will begin to slow down because of the large amount of petpets bogging the game down.
– Do not even THINK about touching the mop until your game hits the slowing point or past 1000. It will just waste your time, and then all those petpets will be waiting for your care.
– The amount of petpets will continue to grow and grow. You have 10 seconds to get a needy petpet to where it belongs or that petpet will dissapear. You lose the game after about 10 petpets were failed to be cared for.
– You may begin to use the mop if all of the following occur: You are over 1000 points, The room is very crowded, the game is slowing down, the petpets arent as needy and you go long periods of time without a petpet asking for anything. This is the part where your points SKYROCKET. First find an area where at least 3 or 4 petpets are crowding around that has a mess. Hover your mop over the mess and the petpets desire to make a mess will kick in and you will keep gaining and gaining points. Eventually a petpet or two will get needy, go take care of it, and go back to a crowded area and hover the mop over it while you wait for more needy petpets.
– Dont give up so easily. It took me 5 days of non-stop practice to get the avatar. It was very difficult but now that I have it, I am relieved.
– You can only get this avatar if you SEND the score of 2500 or higher. Lots of people forget to send and exit their windows and days of practice has just gone down the drain.
– The feepit is probably the most needy petpet in this game and they are a complete handful so watch out for them.
– The robots only go in one place so dont worry about wondering where they go. They always go to the garage.
– In the beginning, the petpets are easy to move, you can just drag and drop them off. When the game gets harder and slower, its best to click the petpet drag your mouse to the spot (whether the petpet follows immediatly or not) and double click. Because it slows down, the petpet might not automatically follow your mouse like it does in the beginning but dont worry. If you wait for them to follow your mouse right ahead then you will waste time and it will be difficult to feed the petpets. But make sure you are accurate about what/where you click or the fast drag method wont work.


– Offer to play the game for other people.
– Let other people play the game for you. Remember, whether they are your best friend or a complete stranger, you can NEVER trust another person with your account. It will be stolen. It has happened to others a million other times before.
– Give up.
– Be a bad sport about it if you cannot get it.

Tips from other users:

– I find it sometimes helps to put on music with a strong beat in it, it helps keepthe rythem going… (submitted by grinch101!)
– Open your eyes big, be prepare cause when u have 500 – 700 points, all the petpets will start asking for things at the same time (submitted by matt_boy26!)
– If you can get someone to help you with it… they can keep an eye for the lowest timed petpets.(submitted by xo_barbie_xo!)
– Don’t make yourself crazy over the mop. the petpets come BEFORE the mop, if you have free time then use it. (submitted by iamareelstupididiot)

Thats about it for my guide! I really hope it helps you. – dudewheresmycat2004

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