This game is very similar to Frogger except you are in a mine shaft and you have to save petpets by running over wagons avoiding boulders and avoiding falling rocks. You can only carry one petpet at a time and you have a timer.
LEVEL 1 (req. 4): You have more than enough time to get four petpets and all the jewels. Your worst enemy this level is getting antsy and trying to force your way across the lava when the floaters just aren’t there. Take your time and only move forward when the next floater is absolutely in front of you. Don’t use your diagonal this level at all. Remember that when you get your fourth petpet back to the entrance, you move on to the next level automatically, so make sure you get all the jewels first!
LEVEL 2 (req. 6): This level you will certainly lose at least one life, either from running out of time or accident. This level, you’ve got to take more risks, like darting between the boulders and using your diagonal keys on the lava. Grab the petpets that are closest to you, then run back, but because of the way the lava works, just think GO FORWARD until you reach a petpet. Don’t try to get a petpet that is technically closer to the entrance when the floaters are arranged in a way that makes it easier to grab a different, farther away petpet. You will need every petpet you can get to make the 6 requirement.
LEVEL 3 (req. 8): By the time you get to this level, you will probably only have one or two lives left. The strategy here is the same as level 2, only be more opportunistic about jewels and things, since you probably won’t make it to the next level. That’s ok, because when the game is featured and even when it’s not the NP is really good. The basic points are tripled and then when it’s the featured game it’s doubled again. So you need a score of around 160 or so to make that max of 1000np on a featured day. – sharon_sgc