Meerca Chase II Guide by Anonymous

Meerca Chase II is, in my opinion, one of the most lucrative games on Neopets. I always play on Hard in the Classic Mode and average 400-450np a game, but it is very easy to get higher scores- with practice! The Maze and Freestyle modes were added to spice things up and to replace the secret levels that the original Meerca Chase enjoyed. Although they are fun and help you work on essential skills, they are too difficult for serious earning.

When you have chosen your mode and difficulty, you can choose your background colour. I personally stick with the grey, both because it was in the original and because it’s easiest on the eyes. Different colours make different Neggs stand out; experiment to see which is best for you.

Attack of the Marblemen Guide by VPBapesta

Some Quick Statistics

  • Difficulty: Medium
  • Learning Curve: Easy

The Guide

Like undoubtedly everyone else, I have searched the Internet for fast ways to earn neopoints; finding many “Earn X neopoints in Y of minutes!”. You can find your own and I’m sure you already have. However, this guide is to compliment one of those. What I noticed was that many of these guides neglected to mention Attack of the Marblemen in their list of games to play, which was confusing to me because it was such an easy game to earn the max of 3,000 neopoints per day (in around 10 – 15 minutes) or 720 neopoints in less than 2 minutes.

Attack of the Gummy Dice Cheats

Change the dice

Delightful: Type this during the game to change the current dice into a morph dice. Once per game.
Explode: Type this during the game to change the current gummy dice into bombs. Once per game.
Gummydice: Type this during the game to change the current gummy dice to a different random color. Once per game.