Hot to Get Rich by neeagirl1

Now, if you are trying to get rich and buy your pets expensive toys, and a gourmet food everyday, stop read this. You’ll NEVER get any richer that way. I’m not saying abuse them, but you must under they don’t that gourmet food or 5000 np toy to live. That 15 np key chain you bought and your daily omelette, will work fine.

First, you need a shop. Size 2 or 200 it doesn’t mater as long as you can put stuff in it. Now, go and buy lots of books from the book store. NEVER buy tear jearkers, jub jub books, enceyclepeidia k-o. Now, put the books you bought in your shop. Now put them for the third cheapest price on the wiz. Your proberly saying, ‘but neopets limited it to 300 searches a minute!’ or ‘but I want mine to sell really fast!’. Well I know neopets limited it to 300 searches a minute. But you can still search pretty munch all the time except the last second of the minute. And I also know you want it to sell fast. And it will. And, you’ll make about 100 more np then the guy that sold that item the cheapest! Using this method, restock when most of your stock is gone. And upgrade your shop to 10 soon. That’s not very expensive but you can hold 50 items! Now NEVER and I repeat NEVER make it bigger for two reasons, if you stock all you stuff at once, ppl won’t be able to find what they want. Second, it would take you eons to price that many items. And now your probably saying ‘but yours is bigger!’ well it is but I was stupid to make it that big! Don’t make the same mistake! That’s like 7500 np I used to get it that big. It was REALLY stupid.

Ultimate Bullseye Guide by Skye Dingwall

Okay, so we have a new Ultimate Bullseye, and heress my little guide on it. Enjoy!

Power-Ups & What They Do

Firstly, we have an icon that appears to be the target with arrows coming from the four corners. This will expand and contract the target size, increasing the chance of getting a bullseye.

Coming next, we have the fire ring, just like in the original Ultimate Bullseye, but this ring, if the arrow goes through it, will double the score, giving you 20 points for a bullseye.

The next icon is a target with an arrow going sideways. This will move the target back and forth, and it continues moving when you shoot which can be good or bad.

Guilds and Their Members by Faith

Many people on Neopets belong to a guild. Weather it’s being a member or actually running one with councils assistance. No matter what the genre of the guild the main goal is to bring people of similar likes together. Rather like building a online community.

While the notion of a guild and it’s members being good friends, almost like family. The truth sometimes is this isn’t the case. Every guild has it’s rules and where there are rules you can find rule breakers. Some may find this issue a silly one, when after all no one can change the way things are. But guilds can end up loosing members .. friends through people’s lies, deception and unpleasant behavior.

Top 5 Things Never to Complain to The Neopets Team About by tjdog1234567890

Top 5 Things Never to Complain to TNT About
Written by

5. Shops
– His shop prices are too high!
– I don’t like this music.
– His shop background is too ugly.
– He doesn’t have anything in here, isn’t that a crime?

4. Guilds
– They aren’t bumping me up!
– “Can u plz force people to go into my guild?”
– You should totally freeze the owner of that guild, because he just kicked me out.

3. Trades
– That’s so totally unfair, they wont accept my offer, because it was meant for someone else!
– You should totally freeze this guy, he’s asking way too much for that item
– I want that item, but not that item, can you freeze him for putting them together?

Turmac Roll Guide by pattywoopwoop

Turmac Roll is a one player action game made entirely for kids. It is a very simple game where you control a Turmac by using the arrow keys.

Pressing the right arrow key will guide the Turmac faster and to slow down you press the left arrow key. To jump you press the up arrow key. If you are wanting to increase gravity (push the Turmac down to stick closer to objects) press the down arrow key.

Now I will tell you how to make the berries that come up worth more! You can only do this on hard mode though. You speed up using the right arrow key and you then slow down by using the left arrow key. This increases you chances of receiving a juicy berry higher by 50%!