Never Pay For Food Again

Okay, face it. Paying for your Neopet’s meals is just a big pain. First of all, the Main and Health Food Stores are rarely selling anything when you click on them. And shopkeepers having prices for some items over 1000 NP for an item as simple as a Green Apple which should be 5 NP. As for the Shop Wizard, it may be handy, but some Neopetters are broke and have pride too high to go to the Soup Faerie. I say, it’s high time you save your precious NP for something more useful, like codestones, Faeries or paintbrushes. Those may seem eons away from now but you’ll get there eventually.

First of all, it’s high time you got whatever free stuff there is in Neopia. First, go to Explore. Then head to Mystery Island and play the Tombola. Even if you lose, you will still get valuable NP you can use later. If the item you receive is a Fish Pop, it is edible but harmful to your pets. Now click on Harbour and leave.

Now head to Faerieland. Click on the Healing Springs and “Heal your pets”. Sometimes she upgrades your HP; sometime she restores you to full hit points; other times she gives you useful potions. Whatever you get, be thankful, especially if it is a potion.

Back to Neopia. Now head to the Lost Desert and click on Coltzan’s Shrine. Read carefully what your Neopet says — if it says something rude like “This better be good!” Coltzan probably won’t help them, but some things the king takes no offense from, so you might as well try. Sometimes he gives you food, other times he bumps up your pet’s stats. Leave the shrine. Now play the fruit machine. It’s alright if you lose, but if you get two or three fruits matched up you get food and sometimes even a Desert Petpet. Leave the Desert.

Now head to Terror Mountain. Depending on what month of the year it is, you can pick up something from the Advent Calendar. If it is December, go to the Advent Calendar and “Get your Prize”. It will be a nice sum of NP and two items, all of which will come in handy later. Now go into the Ice Caves. If it is 3 or 8 minutes past the hour your time (NOT NST), click on the Snowager. Sometimes he will be sleeping. Now head to the top of the mountain. Click on the “Garage Sale.” See if they’re selling anything cheap and pick up usually expensive items with your newly acquired hundreds of NP, like books, Faeries, or Plastic Butter Knives. (I’m not kidding. The Knives are very useful and many newbies will be out to get them.) Now go back to the Ice Caves and click on the Dark Crevasse. Welcome to Tyrannia.

Now go to the Plateau. Click on the Giant Omelette and “Grab some Omelette”. After you do, return to the Pet Central. You’ve finished your rounds. Now click on your pet’s name under your username to check how old and hungry it is now. Then click on your Back button and click on “Your Items”. Put all Gross Food into your shop and price it for about 10 or more NP lower than the estimated price. As for the Island Merchandise (Keyrings, Volcanic Rocks, Fans, etc.), donate it to the money tree. No one will buy it anyway!

The Stock Market is optional. Buy any shares sold for 6NP, and wait until tomorrow to sell them. Sell them only if they have gained points (for example, 6NP to 8NP). Then go get 21 NP out of the bank (you can’t have EXACTLY 20 NP or they won’t accept it) and sell those abominable shares. Also, if possible, buy the same amount of shares in another 6-NP company.

If you don’t wanna play the Stock Market, that’s alright. Play Meerca Chase instead and rack up some more NP. Soon you will have powerful Neopets at your side!

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