Neopian Riches – No Game Talents Required by xchylerjfk

Neopian Riches – No Game Talents Required
Written By xchylerjfk

I’ve been on Neopets for about two months, and recently decided that earning NP from games is too much of a hassle for me. So, I’m trying to get rich on profits. It’s really worked. In the past two days I’ve made over 20,000 NP, so here are a few easy peasy steps to building a fortune:

The first thing you should do at the start of EVERY day, is to collect as many freebies as you can. It’s effortless, consumes little time, and gets you at least 5/6k and some improvements to your pet:

Try these links out:

Freebies – Go into the tomb for free and you may either win money or your pet loses some HP. Once a day. – Coltzan’s shrine. There’s no knowing what you will get, whether it be an advance in speed, strength or health, NP or dubloons. What you receive is determined by what times you visit the shrine. Once every 12 hours. – The Fruit machine. Free. You will get a prize if the first two pictures or all three match. Once a day. – The free Tombola. If you don’t win, you may get a booby prize. Once a day. – The giant omelette grab one free slice per day. – The giant jelly one free jelly per day. – The Snowager. If you come while he’s asleep you may be able to grab an item from his cave. He sleeps: 6-7am NST, 2-3pm NST, 10-11pm NST. – The Healing Faerie will either give your pet HP, healing potions or cure them altogether of any illness they may have. Once every 30 minutes. – Fishing, once a day per pet. If you catch something good your pet’s fishing skill will increase by 1 point. – Each pet can have 1 free rice ball per day. – Each pet can have 1 free bowl of cereal a day.

NP – I think this is the best offer even though it’s only a monthly freebie. You get 2,000 NP and each of your pets gets a free item. – There should be a Slorg at the top of the page that will give you 50-100 NP. If not, a slorg might move across the screen, so click it and you’ll get some NP. – Once a day. Click the right arrow three times and you’ll get 1,000 NP. – Answer: MARINE DRAGON. Receive 1,000 NP. Once a day.

Simple question games – Get 200 NP each time for this simple personality question game. – 200 NP per game. – 200 NP per game. – 300 NP per game.

Buying, Pricing, Selling and Profits
If you aren’t interested in the games and/or can’t be bothered trying for a high score, buying and selling is the best way to make lots of money. From all the freebies you should’ve already gotten 5-10k and some items.

Out of the money you’ve earned so far, put some aside for buying, and the rest put in a bank account so you don’t waste it all. Remember to always collect your bank interest at the start of every day, before you do anything.

Buy as many common items as possible. If you got the the Shop Ads board, there will be a few people advertising their shops. Go for the shops that advertise 1-15 NP items. No matter how common the items may be, there will always be many people wiling to stock up on long-lasting food for their pets like omelettes and jelly. If you’re lucky, you’ll be able to find some person who’ll be selling uncommon/special items for less than 200 NP. Buy these.

If you find you have no more space in your inventory, move the items into your Safety Deposit box. In your SDB you can keep thousands of items, AND they’ll be safe from any thieving ghouls.

Set up a shop, and update it a couple of times so you have enough space for, say, 30 items.
Put all your items (except the ones that came with the newbie pack) into your shop.

There’s no use checking in the shop wizard for the cheapest prices to beat, that’ll take too long. If you bought bulks of things like jelly, omelette and key rings etc, I can give you rough guidelines for prices.

Jelly: Many people sell theirs for 1 NP, but people would easily go for 10 NP, 20 NP max, so you’d get a slightly bigger profit.
Omelette: I would think 20/30 NP if you’re selling them in a bulk but if you didn’t buy more than 10 you should go for 40/50 NP max.
Key rings: Same rules as the Omelette, but don’t waste too much money on buying these there’s not much people could do with a key ring.

Remember, once you’ve sold all your common items and are starting with food, stationary and other stuff etc TAKE CARE NOT TO OVERPRICE YOUR ITEMS. Check the shop wizard once or twice but don’t go over the top. In your inventory you’ll be able to see the Estimate Value of an item, and you could sell it for slightly higher, but as you spend more time looking around the market shops you’ll get a feel for the average price for each item, just like in real life. E.g. even though Blue Ixi Plushie is a plushie, it won’t sell for over 500 because it’s extremely common and also something you get in a newbie pack.

You’re gonna need a bit of advertisement. Go on the Shop Ads on the Neoboards and type out a brief description of your shop i.e. the main things that are being sold there. If you want, you can include a little “I need some NP.” at the bottom, but it never worked for me.

In the Topic name, think of something catchy, like “Sale!!!! Loads of jelly, omelettes and key rings under 30 NP!!” Even if it’s not a sale, you can tell people to hurry before the prices rise ‘again’.

Before you post the message, copy it all you’ll be posting more.

Post it. Once you see your message, open the page and occasionally come back to it and refresh it to see if anyone has posted a comment.

After that, open a new window in Neopets and continue searching the shop ads for anyone who’s looking for food or anything in your shop. (You now only need to paste as you’ve just copied your ad.)

You should make at least 5k a day, or even 10 like me and others if you keep at it.

Whatever I make in the day, I put straight in my bank account, and leave out about 800 NP to fiddle around with. With all the items waiting in my SDB to be put in my shop I HARDLY EVER buy any items for either my shop or my personal pleasure. It may sound cruel, but unless I have a fight in the battledome I don’t bother to feed my pets either, as that just takes money and they don’t die anyway. I only feed them with free omelettes and jelly etc.

Occasionally, you’ll find something on the floor (random event) or you’ll win a codestone etc from the Tombola or fruit machine. IF YOU WIN a much-wanted item like a codestone or Bottled Faerie, DO NOT USE IT, YOU CAN MAKE A LOT OF MONEY, and once you become rich, you’ll have enough money to buy things like that.

Things like Illusen’s, Jhudora’s and other faeire quests can really help too.

If you do this almost every day, you will make a lot of money, and get really rich, FAST!!

It also helps to have a couple of neofriends to help out with quests and things like that, incase you can’t find the item you need or it’s too expensive – xchylerjfk

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