Neopets: The Newbies Guide by Elephantoguno

So, you’ve just created an account. You’re standing there with a couple hundred neopoints, wondering what do to. First off, create a neopet – any pet will do, they are mostly just for appearance and some special ineffective weapons.

Now, immediately after creating your neopet, go the Neolodge (located in the Neopia Central). Put him in a Cockroach Lodge (with no extras). As odd as it is, he’ll love it.

Now around the site you should see some banners, buttons, saying “get free neopoints when you…”. For now, ALWAYS participate in these offerings. They will increase your daily neopoint income greatly.

Now, take some of those hard-earned neopoints and donate around 150 – 200 neopoints to the money tree. Yes, you’re throwing your money away, but it makes you more “generous”, allowing you better luck in your daily rituals. Along with donating money, you should also donate any useless items you have. This will further increase your luck and fortune.

For the most part there are a select few things you should do. These include:

  • Coltzan’s Shrine. After 48 hours, you should come here every day. These prizes can range from nothing to a level to a free paintbrush! The more you donate the better off you will be.
  • Tombola. This will most likely give you items to donate to the Money Tree for good luck, but on occasion you could even get a Faerie or two!
  • Omelette. Located in Tyrannia, this will give you free food for the future. Most likely items to donate, as your pets are located in the Neolodge.
  • Giant Jelly. A ‘secret’ area, much like the omelette, will give you free food to donate to the money tree.
  • Deserted Tomb. The chance of getting ANYTHING here is extremely, extremely unlikely, but it could never hurt to try.
  • Fruit Machine. Although most of the stuff is entirely useless, it is fuel for the money tree. There are some good items you can get, but it is extremely slim.
  • Neopian Bank. At early times, it’s not as important as you will be getting maybe 1-10 neopoints daily. But eventually, your neopoint interest will be extremely great.
  • Grumpy Old King. I believe that everything is random, no matter what you put in, but if he is impressed he will give you some valuable prizes.It couldn’t hurt to make some sense, though.
  • Wise Old King. I believe that everything is random, no matter what you put in, but if he is impressed he will give you some valuable prizes. It couldn’t hurt to make some sense, though.

Now that you have everything sorted out, it’s time to start playing some games, as this will be your main neopoint income source. Some easy games that give you a vast amount of neopoints are:

These are the easiest and most successful games to use without the use of outside programs or cheats. Playing all of these games should get you around 5,000 – 10,000 neopoints daily (depending on your skill level). Obviously people will be better at some games than others – find the games that work for you, and play them 3 times daily. The more games you play, the more neopoints you’ll get.

You have some neopoints now – so why not go and create a shop? Go to the shop tab and click on “Your Shop”. Create a shop of your own (but don’t upgrade it, yet) and put in simple stuff. If the shop takes long to load, or has a hard to read text and background, people will skip onto the next lowest price.

Now, you should have around 15,000 neopoints. If not – get more. You should invest in the stock market, 1,000 points, every day. Find a market that has an increase and is 15 – 17 neopoints a share. Invest 1,000 neopoints into it, and watch the magic happen. Over the days, your neopoints per share will either decrease or increase. In the end, it doesn’t matter, because all stocks will eventually go above the 30-40 neopoint mark, which is where you want to be.

The stock market is a very fickle gamble. If it gets above 40 neopoints per share, I usually sell. Mind you, that if it’s at a 5 – 8% increase at 40 neopoints, I keep all my stocks in there. Once it gets to around a 20% peak, I keep it for 2-3 days (depending on how lucky I feel) and sell my stocks. Any longer and it’s likely to crash. This SHOULD keep a steady flow of neopoints. If at any point, it gets from an 8% increase to a 1% increase, I sell all of my stocks, as it is likely to go into the negative. Once you sell, invest in another venture based on what I have told you. Obviously, change these rules to what suits the situation.

Don’t be disappointed if the stock market goes into the negatives after you invest. No matter what happens, it’ll eventually grow substantially. As the saying goes – it’s darkest before dawn.

Now if you happen to have any extra neopoints – put them into the bank as soon as possible. This will protect your money from tax collectors of the sort, and will also get you a steady interest rate.

At this point you have more than likely gotten a random event or two which yields an item. Search the Shop Wizard for the item that you got. Sell WHATEVER it is (unless it’s a paintbrush you want). Now, if it comes up empty, search the Trading Post for your item. Look for the offer that has that item alone, and look at what their offer is. If it’s worth over 100,000 neopoints, put it in the trading post on a price based on the median of everything that you’ve seen. If not, put it into your shop.

How to work the market

Search the shop wizard for whatever you wish to sell. When you find what you want, record the lowest price. Keep on pressing “back” and then click “search” again until you find the lowest price. Now, place it 1 neopoint below that price, and put it on the market. This will sell your items quick and effectively.

With all this in mind, try to stock up on items that has an extreme value – mainly dubloons, code stones, and faeries. Then, sell them in bundles, and you should make a VERY pretty penny… make sure to advertise on the forums!

Now, you are completely free to do whatever you wish! Hopefully this helped you get started in someway, shape, or form.

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